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Elite TV / Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion

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elitetvonline Offline
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Post: #4411
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
(06-03-2011 20:27 )chrislatimer Wrote:  The call stacking which has been happening (including to myself) is a joke, and surely must border somewhere on illegality.

We had some technical issues which added to this. These have now been resolved. Feel free to test it and give us your feedback

the main issues with the content has been its so stale and repetitive now considering that even a few months ago it was 6 times better at least (and ofcom cant be blamed for all of the demise in show quality)

This comes down to the business side too. There is a reason why its repetitive. Its working. When we change it and it doesn't work as well we revert to what does.
Its also very hard to come up with ideas which dont stray to far away from the purpose of the show. Happy to listen to any ideas which you may have. However if you watch the same show every night, with the same girls then its is bound to get a tad repetitive regardless of the set is different.

Take the first 2 specials this week it came across as they were 2 very over produced shows and it looks poor to watch and thats what led to the bad feedback on them shows from some people (myself including)

None of our *specials* are over produced. The amount of times I have come on here and seen comments saying "why are the producers/camera guys making the girls do this and that etc" and its absolute bollocks. Lets take Danica's 3 hour specials, she has done so many now that for most of you the novelty has well and truly worn off. Also we and the girls have good nights and bad.

But surely theres a way to reduce the frequency and size of the osgs on the tv screen, there very off putting and in some ways would put customers of calling, as a good portion of guys call to see the girl do what they tell them to do on tv and if theres graphics blocking half the screen whats the point.

There is a reason why all the channels have constant OSG's and they are the size that they are. We arent doing it because we are lovers of OSG's!
Whats wrong with the graphics free web show?

And am gonna close on this as i dont want this post getting to long. Most of us do like elite and want u to succeed ans when your good you are best in your field really, but at the moment its not really firing on all cylinders.

Fair play, you are entitled to your opinion

A point made was that you treat it as a buisness , then maybe get rid of some of your friends who work for you, who are underperforming (not gonna name no names but its obvious who i mean) get new girls in and just freshen it up a bit .

This is the funniest one I have ever heared. My friends! LMAO. Yes all the girls who work for me I would consider my friends. I love them dearly and am genuinely chuffed to be working with such a great bunch. But let me tell you what really makes me happy, its that all of them are the best in the business at their jobs.
I have been in this business for 6 years and have seen pretty much every girl that's out there. I have worked when there was a lot less competition than now and know this business inside out.
I have seen and do see the stats and if you or anyone else thinks that I am in the privileged enough position to be able to employ people and pay them the kind of sums the performers on our channels get just because they are "my mates" then you are living in a dream world! We employ girls who are gorgeous and good at the job, standard, the friendship comes from working together over a period of time but let me assure you. The business, the bank manager and the tax man know no friends just numbers. We employ on the numbers and the numbers alone

Done me too
06-03-2011 20:48
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chrislatimer Offline

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Post: #4412
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
just some things u said were curious so just gonna comment quickly this aint gonna become a long drawn out saga.

Quote:This comes down to the business side too. There is a reason why its repetitive. Its working. When we change it and it doesn't work as well we revert to what does.
Its also very hard to come up with ideas which dont stray to far away from the purpose of the show. Happy to listen to any ideas which you may have. However if you watch the same show every night, with the same girls then its is bound to get a tad repetitive regardless of the set is different.

you could ask some of the girls to do something different in 1 of their shows a week its got to a point where you can predict whats gonna happen on ur shows and that eventually will rub off on viewing figures which in turn will rub off on call figures.

Quote:Lets take Danica's 3 hour specials, she has done so many now that for most of you the novelty has well and truly worn off. Also we and the girls have good nights and bad.

Danica has just become a real lazy night time performer so i know thats not production behind that. Probably due to her becoming a success away from elite.

you may of wanted to word the 2nd half of that sentence better as it implies that you werent happy with one or both of the specials (alice's was very good for the record)

Quote:Whats wrong with the graphics free web show?

most people wanna watch on their tv maybe

Nice one for taking the time to reply and ill let you know about the call stacking thing when paige is on next
06-03-2011 20:59
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bcl Offline
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Post: #4413
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
Nice to have some feedback from Jamie. It is easy for us to sit here and say, they should do this, they should do that. But we don't see the numbers on the paper at the end of the month, which is the most important part.

Guess the graphics are here to stay, which if they are helping keep Elite afloat then I have no problem with. The ads, (or at least certain ones) do my head in. Not in an annoying way, in a, make my eyes go all funny and I have to switch off and lye down way!. The previous spinng ones didn't do it, and not all the new ones do, but certain ones on certain sets litterally make me ill. Sad

Webstream for me when they come on from now on!Smile

I do have a question reguarding the new graphics, and the camera position. A couple of times I have noticed that the graphic is covering a large portion of the girl on screen, when if the camera was moved it would have been far less of a problem.
Is this just a case of where the production staff are not used to the new graphics and re positioning the camera to take account of them?
(for instance today, there was nearly 1/3 of the screen to the right of Emma showing just the set, and the graphic covered her lovely bum and legs. If the camera had been moved to the left, the graphic would have been above Emma's legs and nothing would have been obscured at all)

Overall I am very happy with Elite at the moment, the extra day girls on nights, and now a mystery guest keep the nights fresh enough for me. Although I would be really happy if there was a busty brunette added to the night rota, save me having to wait for the Alice , and now Kitty Specials! (hmmm Daryl Morgan on Elite, I can only dream)
06-03-2011 21:11
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mrmann Offline
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Post: #4414
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
One good thing about the new graphic, is that they can use it to cover the private parts of the women, allowing for multiple slips Tongue

Just a quick question. Seeing how Babestation allows the women to show a bit more during the solo sessions, would you be willing to do the same? The women there seem to have less censorship at times, whereas on Elite, anytime the cameraman gets close to a slip, he freaks out and moves the camera all around. Now this isn't always the case, but lately the solo shows seem to be tamed. ofcon related I'm sure.

Anyway, thanks for responding!
06-03-2011 21:21
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #4415
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
thanks for the feed back jamie. same here overall im very happy too with elite. i dont mind the osg's because i do recognise elite do need to make money, its just at times they obscure the babes. im also likin the daygirls goin bad and looking forward to seeing the "mystery guest" in just under 2 weeks and if its a success do it regularly.

id like a busty redhead added to the elite roster to fill the slot in the night roster left by sammie pennington. and for me its jade-victoria

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
06-03-2011 21:25
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beardedbob Offline
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Post: #4416
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
wow. elite must really be in trouble. pens, trying to strongarm people into joining the website
by making the sky channels unwatchable. what next? annoyed
06-03-2011 21:27
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Webbiola Offline
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Post: #4417
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
A couple of things that did occur to me having reread Jamie's post.........

What kind of a greedy so and so do you have to be to be surrounded by all these often naked women and still expect to make a profit?Surprised

Secondy, I don't want to imply anything but 2 kids Jamie? You sure? You really really sure?Wink
06-03-2011 21:48
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stueyboy Offline
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Post: #4418
Smile RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
Thanks Jamie for posting your comments.

I don't mind the OSGs in the bottom 1/4 of the screen.
But it's the new big square graphic on the left or right hand side which does my head in. I know they might be important for your advertising, but those adverts are the same as the ones which appear at the bottom.
E.g. "get Alice vids" & "get Alice pics" - these also appear every 60 secs in the bottom right of the OSGs.

I used to phone in often but the new OSGs have really put me off.
I don't want to watch online - I have a big telly.

The other thing is the lighting - man when are you ever going to sort this out, PLEASE??!!

It seems to me there's probably a block of extremely bright lights which surround the camera position - so if the girls are laying quite close to the camera they get blasted with these very strong lights. The rest of the Sets' area has much more dimmed lighting, but it results in some very odd looking skin tones - e.g. often the girls can have very pale faces, yellow-looking stomachs, and brown legs.

The lighting can often be really poor Jamie - I guess if you invested a lot of money in them you may feel like you can't do anything about it - but can't you tone the lights down please?

Cheers Jamie Smile
06-03-2011 22:07
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Chilly Away
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Post: #4419
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
(06-03-2011 21:27 )beardedbob Wrote:  wow. elite must really be in trouble. pens, trying to strongarm people into joining the website
by making the sky channels unwatchable. what next? annoyed

I guess in Jamie's world we're still in a recession, even though the UK has actually come out of recession. Wink

So, when the country was in a recession, Elite TV didn't add these extra graphics and things to try and make themselves some extra money, but now we're out of a recession, well, they've decided to add 'em. Go figure. [Image: nuts2_116.gif]
(This post was last modified: 06-03-2011 22:11 by Chilly.)
06-03-2011 22:09
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chrislatimer Offline

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Post: #4420
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
dammint i forgot to mention the lighting hahaha
06-03-2011 22:12
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