Getting quite in to
Can't Pay We'll Take It Away. The bailiff guys are on the nicer end of the scale but then it's high court writ stuff not Billy McBastard BreakYourKnees LTD or whatever and a couple are actually quite likeable (the old geezer Paul who gets some of the single Mum's being evicted sorted out temp housing when you get the sense the council would normally have not bothered blah de blah) even though I'm generally well sceptical of bouncers, debt people, police, any toy cop type security role people, governmental types, authority figures in general blah blah.
Never been at a point in life where I've had anything repo'd myself although I did leave the council tax well late once or twice in a bad patch but they just sent some crap letters from G4S saying pay in a week or we'll be round but in each case I'd paid it back up to date a week before the letter came anyway and I have had a rack em up > clear up > rack em up > clear em > rack em up > clear em > never again situ with credit cards n overdrafts in life but again, never as bad as repo or anything like that, just did some dickhead moves with huge cash interest when I shouldn't have bothered a few too many times thus wasting grands I coulda used better that kinda thing, but been a debt free man 18 months and counting now. Did have a debt company thing once but that was years back in my early 20's due to shared bills in a share house and other people not paying their share, called the debt company and paid a part of it for my name to come off and something in writing saying I was no longer to do with it, voila done. Then the same thing with another one where I just paid the whole thing anyway as was only a 1-erish even though again was technically other people's debt from the shared house.
Stack n save the new name of the game.
Pretty entertaining anyhow and ex pro footballer Neil 'Razor' Ruddock crops up in one of the earlier seasons I back tracked on via 'non official' sites, his blonde Mrs chucks water on the C5 camera people and the court bailiff guys
Bizarrely in many cases the debtors come across more knobhead than the bailiffs which I wasn't expecting given most of the horror stories you see on any financial / civil advice forums x pretty much any debt recovery place I've ever googled and varying horrific amateur clips I've viewed on YouTube over the years but goes to show there's good and bad in all walks and on both sides of the fence n all that I guess.