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Babestation Brasil

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dirk362 Away
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Post: #41
RE: Babestation Brasil
4 hours of tantalising tease from 3 beauties. Confess myself fascinated with babe #2

[Image: image-953F_510E3045.jpg] [Image: image-FAAE_510E3045.jpg]
[Image: image-3C34_510E3045.jpg] [Image: image-F0DA_510E3045.jpg]

3hours 58mins 57secs, Direct Webstream Copy with audio, 320x240 4:3 AVC/Base/L3.1/Avg.bitrate 386 Kbps, 658Mb
Download via RapidShare: Babestation-Brazil-20130203-WebStream.mkv
Download via DepositFiles: Babestation-Brazil-20130203-WebStream.mkv
Click here for thumbnails of full video
03-02-2013 10:54
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #42
RE: Babestation Brasil
After the cattle auction, the show tonight started around 12:30 BRT (2:30 UK time)...

I would love to learn the names of the babes, although it's harder to if you're not a Portuguese-speaker. Some of the uploaded clips identify Helga and Ane (video 1/video 2), Line and Gabi, and Gabi and Helga.

I've made tentative guesses for a few babes, but not for others. Please correct me if I'm wrong or missed anyone, or if I cloned or spliced any similar-looking girls by accident! Most of the preview pics were of their great bums, which is fine by me.

[Image: image-F0DA_510E3045.jpg] Gabi(?)

[Image: image-66CA_51084735.jpg] Ane(?)

[Image: image-797C_5104FB32.jpg][Image: image-64B7_51040A76.jpg] Helga(?)

[Image: image-A6BB_510AA6EB.jpg] Line(?)

[Image: image-2ABE_51084735.jpg][Image: image-2140_510AA6EB.jpg]

[Image: image-01EE_51062C80.jpg][Image: image-A073_51062CA6.jpg] (the girl in white)

[Image: image-71B5_51040A76.jpg][Image: image-10F0_51040A76.jpg]

[Image: Untitled1.jpg]

(This post was last modified: 04-02-2013 04:17 by modelflat.)
04-02-2013 04:02
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Fernandez Esperenda Offline

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Post: #43
RE: Babestation Brasil
I'll help you out when i get round to it my mate, i haven't been able to watch much down to the time it starts here looks like your doing really well. Bom trabalho Smile

FCP mais que um clube*Super Dragoes*
04-02-2013 16:08
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dirk362 Away
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Post: #44
RE: Babestation Brasil
I do listen to what they say, but I'm really bad with accents. I have plenty of trouble understanding what you're saying even for parts of England, so from another country - no chance !
I'll do my best to try and get caps with faces, but with so many excellent views of other parts of their lovely bodies, that may be asking a bit too much Tongue
04-02-2013 20:42
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dirk362 Away
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Post: #45
RE: Babestation Brasil
Energetic show from these two regulars on the channel. Only wish I knew their names...
We seem to have lost some time to the show because they were showing a load of bullocks! And yes I do mean the cow variety - I guess that's what happens when you share air time with an agriculture channel !
The stream didn't seem quite up to it's normal standard - had a few moments of static content here and there.

[Image: image-03F1_51100C1B.jpg] [Image: image-837B_51100BE6.jpg]
[Image: image-4578_51100BE6.jpg] [Image: image-8D58_51100BE6.jpg]
[Image: image-5F2F_51100BE6.jpg] [Image: image-AA1B_51100BE6.jpg]

3hours 18mins 43secs, Direct Webstream Copy with audio, 320x240 4:3 AVC/Base/L3.1/Avg.bitrate 334 Kbps, 474Mb
Download via RapidShare: Babestation-Brazil-20130204-WebStream.mkv
Download via DepositFiles: Babestation-Brazil-20130204-WebStream.mkv
Click here for thumbnails of full video
04-02-2013 20:44
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dirk362 Away
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Post: #46
RE: Babestation Brasil
Just gets better and better....

[Image: image-812D_511173CC.jpg] [Image: image-405A_51117357.jpg]
[Image: image-E78A_51117357.jpg] [Image: image-FC43_51117357.jpg]
[Image: image-349E_51117357.jpg] [Image: image-CA6E_51117357.jpg]

2hours 59mins 01secs, Direct Webstream Copy with audio, 320x240 4:3 AVC/Base/L3.1/Avg.bitrate 385 Kbps, 493Mb
Download via RapidShare: Babestation-Brazil-20130205-WebStream.mkv
Download via DepositFiles: Babestation-Brazil-20130205-WebStream.mkv
Click here for thumbnails of full video
05-02-2013 22:08
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dirk362 Away
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Post: #47
RE: Babestation Brasil
Another failed night with stream stopping after about 20mins, so nothing to share from me I'm afraid.
I do hope there's some work underway to bring this channel to peoples awareness better and also to get a proper web site, stream etc sorted.
Any option to get this over onto $ky UK somehow ?
06-02-2013 23:33
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #48
RE: Babestation Brasil
UK broadcasts would be nice, but there could be a few problems with it. If they don't add a UK phone number, I doubt anyone will pay to broadcast the channel on Sky for no profit. If they did have a number, then the girls' English isn't too much of a hurdle, I guess. As long as they can sound hot and speak the international language of mmmh, that would be fine.

Compare it with ETV's run of dayshows on Sky last year - they dropped the name "Eurotic" (scared of Ofcom maybe?), and had to tone down their content after 9pm and keep the babes' panties on, solely for UK regulations. ETV left Sky in November 2012.

If Babestation Brasil came to Sky, the show is already nudity-free, you'd think there wouldn't be censorship issues, but I'm not so sure. They wouldn't risk running the show on Sky past 5:30am British time, but even the overnight shows might suffer a bit from becoming careful or scared, cos of confusion about how strict the rules are. I know they're not naughty very often, but it's nice for them to have the choice.

Tonight they've broken out the handcuffs... I haven't seen them do anything too kinky with them yet, but I have faith that they'll think of something Wink

[Image: Untitled1.jpg]

(This post was last modified: 07-02-2013 11:56 by modelflat.)
07-02-2013 04:41
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RCTV Offline
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Post: #49
RE: Babestation Brasil
I think the girls look amazing, however think if they actually did UK filming, it would be cheaper and more attractive for people who wish to phone in.

They could do a number, and for the money they could make, would be worth it. Several channels have done it.

...Yes I'm female!
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07-02-2013 04:44
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babestation24 Offline
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Post: #50
RE: Babestation Brasil
you can now watch the stream at

you can also call 0982 507 1000

Over 18s only. Calls cost £0.36 per minute +network extras. Mobile calls cost considerably more. This service connects to an eavedrop service only. Billpayers permission required. Calls may appear on your bill. We may send you free promotional messages.
07-02-2013 11:24
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