Ofcom can suck my sweaty balls
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Joined: Jan 2012
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RE: Petition
(13-02-2012 01:28 )eccles Wrote: As for getting channel reps on TV debates, just how articulate is the average channel rep?
i'd have to agree. i love the babeshows, but for the babes. i don't have a very high opinion of the people behind the scenes because i think that what success the babeshows have had is in spite of the crew.
the amount of times girls are left talking into mics that haven't been switched on or a girl stands up and it takes a good ten seconds before the camera catches up etc., doesn't inspire confidence. they don't seem to know how to use the equipment properly and i've seen their computers crash on countless occasions
it's hardly the most professional set-up. the channel reps are probably just happy to have a job where they get to see boobs...
still, i'm going to try to do my bit to get the petition moving. i'll keep you posted
18-02-2012 02:55 |
Posts: 898
Joined: Jun 2010
RE: Petition
(18-02-2012 02:55 )cmiller Wrote: (13-02-2012 01:28 )eccles Wrote: As for getting channel reps on TV debates, just how articulate is the average channel rep?
i'd have to agree. i love the babeshows, but for the babes. i don't have a very high opinion of the people behind the scenes because i think that what success the babeshows have had is in spite of the crew.
the amount of times girls are left talking into mics that haven't been switched on or a girl stands up and it takes a good ten seconds before the camera catches up etc., doesn't inspire confidence. they don't seem to know how to use the equipment properly and i've seen their computers crash on countless occasions
it's hardly the most professional set-up. the channel reps are probably just happy to have a job where they get to see boobs...
still, i'm going to try to do my bit to get the petition moving. i'll keep you posted
cmiller you are spot on when you say that these shows are being put out in a totally amateurish manner by people not knowing or not caring or both. And when that is seen, can you really put all the blame onto Ofcom for what will surely be the demise of these programmes in the not to distant future. Maybe if the programme makers show that these type of programmes deserve more respect, and not simply cash cows. Then Ofcom would be a little more leniant towards them, and also give a little respect. Just a thought.
20-02-2012 16:12 |
Posts: 8,304
Joined: Jan 2010
RE: Petition
Well we currently have 52,881 members registered on this forum yet only 570 have bothered to sign the petition, this is serious and should not be taken lightly, recent events surrounding Ofcom trying to force the hand's of Cellcast now is a clear indication that the light that once shined so brightly throughout the whole of the babe channels is slowly dying away. We are on the brink of the Babe Channel apocalypse. Ofcom don't like porn and don't like anything that brings happiness to anyone in any shape or form. We are on the brink, the channels are no longer fun to watch and are living in fear of Ofcom as each passing night goes by. It's shameful that they ever found themselves in this position in the first place, when the concept for this type of entertainment was first thought up with Babestation being the very first to broadcast back in 2002 they could never have envisaged the problems that would lye ahead because I'm sure if they knew in advance just what a problem the censors would be they'd have more than likely pulled the switch on the whole idea and not bothered in the first place. Ofcom are imposing their will and have grown to such a size that our telly is more fitting now to a victorian era instead of the bright era that 2012 should really be. If the world doesn't end this year it might be the end of the line for the babe channels instead. Have you done your bit to make your feeling's noticed, if not expect RIP Babe Channel Threads to be popping up in the near future, time to sign the petition and stand up and be counted if not the ones who never signed will only have themselves to blame for this missed opportunity
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2012 20:06 by Scottishbloke.)
07-03-2012 20:05 |
Account Closed
Posts: 1,436
Joined: Nov 2008
RE: Petition
(07-03-2012 20:05 )Scottishbloke Wrote: Well we currently have 52,881 members registered on this forum yet only 570 have bothered to sign the petition, this is serious and should not be taken lightly,
ok, the main fact here is yes there 52,881 members, however please flick through the registered members list and you will see almost 47,000 have either never posted or have posted just once. - this information is publicly available
Most people who use this website just come on here to look at the latest pictures of Lori Buckby or whoever, they are not interested in Ofcom debates, this thread is just the same people ranting over and over again but not going anywhere
No channels have openly backed this petition, does this not tell you something?
I have said before that you need to move outside of circling this on the forum where you are clearly not getting the interest you feel the petition is worth but it is not a serious issue
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2012 22:40 by simplymarko.)
07-03-2012 22:35 |