(17-10-2009 21:20 )seth Wrote: So that's her name...Cherri Lee. She's one of those who I remember but frustratingly could never put a name to her face, so couldn't ask for requests. I seem to recall she used to show a lot of herself, but never lasted around long. I think she only stuck around for about a year.
She was on PartyPeople 3am on freeview until mid 2008, which was where I first saw her in 2007.
Probably not absolutely the right place to post this as I don't think the channel is BS (no logo, any ideas?), but as a newbie, thought I'd share one of my own all-time fave clips. Could hardly believe what I was seeing as I recorded this.
It's of Jemstone from late 2006 in the days when she was a bit slimmer and a bit prettier (sorry, Jem). I know she's not everyone's cup of tea, but give it a try and I promise you won't be disappointed. This is about the best I've seen on a babe channel and the blatant dildo use is hard to imagine nowadays.
It's only 4mins long, but what a 4 mins!! http://rapidshare.com/files/300519491/je...04-25_.avi.
Some grabs from the clip
Anyone remember the 3 Eastern European girls that use to be on, Olivia and Victoria from Poland and Suzy from Russia used to luv talking to them and also in the good old days when you could record a message and they played it on the show.
(15-10-2009 15:41 )zezu Wrote: Nice clip Addison, thnx! Strange request, but do you have any old clips with the girls sucking each others toes, and if you do could you please post it? Lol I know some people aren't into that but each 2 there own I guess. Anyways thnx 4 all your other clips aswell!
It's not strange, man! Whatever lights your candle! I've always much preferred seeing the babes appear in bare feet myself, but that's more to do with wanting to see them appear as nude and natural as they can, and hating to see their legs and feet hidden under stockings and shoes. Never really got into the toe sucking thing (although I like to watch Anastasia doing it!). Also, many babes seem a bit unhappy when asked to do it and seem awkward and self-conscious when doing it or having it done to them (although in the past Alicia Rhodes, Rio Lee and Kiera Pharrell have said they like having their toes sucked). It's hard to enjoy something if the person you're watching is not enjoying it. At any rate, I've never set out to keep recordings where it specifically occurs, but if I find do find some examples of it in passing, I'll bear you in mind!
Yes it swould awesome to see some of the old girl/girl toe sucking clips, really rare to see it these days!