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playboy, ofcom, and complaints!!

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celeste Offline
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playboy, ofcom, and complaints!!
thank u guys!! I misse du all! Loe ya! Here is some news Ofocm just fined playboy liek 33,000 and do u knwo why.. becasue people out ther actualyl call and complain now mind u all channels are listed under adult adn wellnoone is forcing anyone to watch any channel yet peole complain and about playboy are u seriosu some of the worlds hottest girls are on playboy. so fro bitter peole who lvie to complain please know if u live with anger u will ive a miserable life!! I just do not get all the compalints and all the people getting girls and channels in torouble .. u od nto liek it do not watch it!! Wow ok anyways I am nutts LOL .. O I hope u all are wlel and I hope u guys call me tomorrw.. As I said if u call Iw ill get DIRTY DIRTY LOL u knwo I liek it all fetish, taboo, kinky, dirty, all fo it LOL
03-04-2009 05:44
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tony confederate Offline
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RE: playboy, ofcom, and complaints!!
Celeste is referring to this news story:

"Playboy has been fined £22,500 for a series of Ofcom programme code breaches on its now-axed Playboy One service. Ofcom said that Playboy One was in breach of rules pertaining to the transmission of "adult sex" content on seven occasions in September, November and December 2007.

The media regulator investigated complaints about Jenna's American Sex Star, Adult Stars Close Up, Blue Collar Babes, Sexy Girls Next Door, Sexy Urban Legends, Sex House and Sex Guides, which all aired between 11pm and 3:30am during the period. It said that all the programmes "included sequences depicting masturbation, oral sex... clear labial detail, sexual intercourse and full nudity", and featured "strong language" including the f- and c-words "in an overtly sexual context".

"The explicitness, strength and/or sustained nature of the sexual content and language was unacceptable for broadcast on a free-to-air channel," Ofcom ruled. "The primary purpose of this material was sexual stimulation. None had a sufficient and clear editorial context to justify its broadcast."

Playboy said that the presence of Playboy One in the adult section of the Sky EPG along with features such as PIN protection and channel removal options in the Sky Guide "gave some protection to viewers from coming across its content unawares", but admitted that Jenna's American Sex Star was unsuitable for broadcast "in its current form".

Ofcom decided to issue a fine because "the breaches when taken together demonstrated a serious and repeated failure by the Licensee to comply with the Code".

Playboy One ceased broadcasting in September 2008."
03-04-2009 06:59
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Bunna Away
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Post: #3
RE: playboy, ofcom, and complaints!!
moaning b*****d censors!

Thank you and goodnight!
03-04-2009 07:48
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SirAssAlot Away
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Post: #4
RE: playboy, ofcom, and complaints!!
Who cares about bad language people that's big in the mouth needs shoot are hammered lol

Why members post content that's not shown to the public is beyond me.
Because of certain posts they’ve now blacked out the cams or moved them out of the way so we can’t see anything. Thanks guys you really know how to screw things up for the rest of us...
Over my 6 years of being a forum member I've never seen anything so stupid...
03-04-2009 08:29
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Vamp Away
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Post: #5
RE: playboy, ofcom, and complaints!!
tony confederate Wrote:"included sequences depicting masturbation, oral sex... clear labial detail, sexual intercourse and full nudity"

which is why I loved Playboy one, seriously anyone complaing about that is mental.
03-04-2009 19:14
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BigChuck Offline

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Post: #6
RE: playboy, ofcom, and complaints!!
at the end of the day, you will find that most of the complaints will have come from people related to the other channels.

the chances of someone finding one of the channels by mistake are fairly slim, then the chances of them watching long enough to be offended is even slimmer. most people would just change the channel, instead of taking time out their lives to write or call in to complain.

I molested myself last night, i tried to say no, but i knew i wanted it.

like a ninja....
03-04-2009 19:41
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Hazhard Away

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Post: #7
RE: playboy, ofcom, and complaints!!
bloody ofcom ruining all the fun.
03-04-2009 20:18
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intransit67 Offline
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Post: #8
RE: playboy, ofcom, and complaints!!
Don't you just know that F-ofcom are a load of old codgers who sit round a table with a nice sponge cake on and a pot of tea deciding what I as an adult can watch.
Same old story the kids might see it.

Bullshit the kids are already doing it and getting more than I do the randy little sods!

Just get yourself a Humax 5400z box or something point a dish at Hotbird and get a £20 card off ebay and watch hard core uncut porn 24 hours aday - allthough oneday they will find a way of stopping the satellite signal landing on the UK perhaps a massive umbrella over the east side of the country.

If the parents of the kids are allowing their offspring to watch what they like in their own bedrooms then they should be lockedup for neglect.

Same reasoning behind speed bumps if you can not catch the offenders penalise everybody.

Poxy country!
03-04-2009 23:17
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Hellbound Offline
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Post: #9
RE: playboy, ofcom, and complaints!!
BigChuck Wrote:at the end of the day, you will find that most of the complaints will have come from people related to the other channels.

Exactly what I was thinking. They're doing it to themselves, and once a channel has been fined I'm sure they double their efforts to screw over someone else.
04-04-2009 18:42
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emmajanefan Offline
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Post: #10
RE: playboy, ofcom, and complaints!!
Can't all the channel's play nice??

As at the end of the day we the viewers tend to suffer.
Therefore we generally feel cheated.

Less is more...I didn't answer
04-04-2009 18:57
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