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Ofcom Discussion

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munch1917 Offline
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Post: #1691
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(07-07-2012 12:16 )LatexRyan Wrote:  ...
Out of interest - with regards to Ofcom complaints, are details ever released about who it is that made the complaint? I'm not talking about names, but information about the complainant's gender, age and has this nameless person complained before about something similar.

I'm not aware that Ofcom ever publish such information. About the only information they do provide is the number of complaints made against a particular show.
When making a complaint via their website you must start by giving address details, presumably followed by name (I've never made a complaint so can't be sure). They could in theory use this information to check a persons id, and see if someone is a serial complainer and perhaps discount their complaints, but lets be honest, when it comes to the babeshows do you really think they would do that? Any complaint is fair game for them to look for an excuse to spank the channels it seems.

(07-07-2012 14:06 )shankey! Wrote:  can i just say ofcom as we all know can stick up for themselves, so any adverse comments by members on here that are negative about what the majority think , and that is that ofcom are out of touch and living in victorian times are simply putting themselves in the firing range along with ofcom for criticism ,if your happy with what u have now, then fuck off the forum and watch whats left of the shit thats broadcast until they strike their whip again ! u may well find ur watching daytime shows at night before long !!!

This is a discussion section on a discussion forum, and as is so often pointed out elsewhere, everyone is entitled to express their opinion, whether we agree with it or not, whether it is a majority opinion or not.
In this case, the poster is clearly trolling for a response and some attention, and people are playing into his hands, just ignore him and move on.
Besides, given the relatively small number that have signed the petition, what evidence do you have that "ofcom are out of touch and living in victorian times" is actually the majority view of the forum?
And telling someone to "fuck off the forum" because you disagree with their view is at best childish, at worst, it's tantamount to bullying.

"I'm a featherless bird ... in a sky so absurd"

Sophia - Becky - Mica - Camilla - Ella
07-07-2012 15:46
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #1692
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(06-07-2012 21:33 )Tumble_Drier Wrote:  Good god, what a bunch of whiney, sad old women you are. Getting all wound up because your poor little wank channels are oppressed by those nasty zealots at Ofcom.

Get over it. There are plenty of ways to see whatever sort of porn you want. You're just too lazy to get off your comfy sofas and find it.

No wonder so many have fucked off from this forum reading idiot comments such as yours. I will politely bring my post to an end and say no more bladewave
07-07-2012 19:25
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #1693
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(07-07-2012 19:25 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  
(06-07-2012 21:33 )Tumble_Drier Wrote:  Good god, what a bunch of whiney, sad old women you are. Getting all wound up because your poor little wank channels are oppressed by those nasty zealots at Ofcom.

Get over it. There are plenty of ways to see whatever sort of porn you want. You're just too lazy to get off your comfy sofas and find it.

No wonder so many have fucked off from this forum reading idiot comments such as yours. I will politely bring my post to an end and say no more bladewave

and your post is another example of why people have left the forum. using the f word and really having a go at a forum member, putting him down by saying he's made "idiot comments" just because you dont like what he's said

back to ofcom. cant see anything happening now that ed richards didnt get the bbc dg job

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
07-07-2012 19:36
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #1694
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Rammy I've been on this forum a long time and let me tell you something, never have I seen as much backtracking going on as much I have seen recently. I have fought long and hard against the oppressors at ofcom and have supportered the petition all the way since day 1 unlike yourself ofcourse. I will make no further comment, my opinion still stays the same. Maybe you should take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself just how honest and geniune your posts are. Enough said bladewave
07-07-2012 19:44
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eccles Offline
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Post: #1695
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(07-07-2012 12:16 )LatexRyan Wrote:  More than anything, this discussion is about how Ofcom apply the rules, which seems to be very inconsistent - especially with regards the Babe Channels.

Out of interest - with regards to Ofcom complaints, are details ever released about who it is that made the complaint? I'm not talking about names, but information about the complainant's gender, age and has this nameless person complained before about something similar.

The results it would yield would likely make for rather surprise reading. It wouldn't surprise me if the person has gone to the adult section to look for something to complain about.

Very inconsistent and thats just not good enough in a regulator. It gives them huge arbitrary power to slam the rules down then they feel like it. Would it be acceptable for the taxman to charge 20 or 25% depending on how they felt? Or for shops to routinely stay open until 6pm on Sunday unless someone had upset the Mayor?

Who are the complainers? Who tunes into an adult channel then expresses surprise that it shows women with their baps out whether it is at 9pm or 3am?

Antiporn campaigners and rival channels. Neither group representative of public opinion.

Gone fishing
08-07-2012 00:13
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Dan Volatile Offline
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Post: #1696
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(07-07-2012 19:36 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  
(07-07-2012 19:25 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  
(06-07-2012 21:33 )Tumble_Drier Wrote:  Good god, what a bunch of whiney, sad old women you are. Getting all wound up because your poor little wank channels are oppressed by those nasty zealots at Ofcom.

Get over it. There are plenty of ways to see whatever sort of porn you want. You're just too lazy to get off your comfy sofas and find it.

No wonder so many have fucked off from this forum reading idiot comments such as yours. I will politely bring my post to an end and say no more bladewave

and your post is another example of why people have left the forum. using the f word and really having a go at a forum member, putting him down by saying he's made "idiot comments" just because you dont like what he's said

Oi Rammy, stop picking on scottishbloke you big bully.

It's little wonder that people are leaving the forum in droves and signing up to the gentler world of the Grapevine gardening forum

08-07-2012 00:28
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eccles Offline
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Post: #1697
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(05-07-2012 07:24 )munch1917 Wrote:  Agree with Eccles, I can see big-Ed's time at ofcom being short-lived from here.
Maybe his application to the beeb was more than just ambition as well, maybe he saw that the writing was on the wall for ofcom, and was trying to jump ship before it got disbanded or split up or whatever.

The Times 05/07/2012 Wrote:A BBC insider questioned whether Mr Richards could continue for much longer at Ofcom because of the perception that the regulator's decisions concerning the BBC could be affected by being rejected in favour of Mr Entwistle.

Gone fishing
08-07-2012 02:45
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #1698
RE: Ofcom Discussion
First of all in responce to Dan, I can pretty much hold my own on this forum and I'll stand my ground with anybody.

In responce to why I was so pissed off with Tumble_Drier's comments is because it brought the entire credibilty and integrity of this subject into question in what has been a long hard struggle against the power's at ofcom. Eccles for example started up a petition only to have certain forum members doing their best to make a mockery of it all.

Now for all these people who have turned their back on this petition shame on you. The word Judas springs to mind here.

Let's be clear here and I'm pretty much getting sick to death having to justify why the ofcom threat should be taken very seriously. Ofcom can and will close down any Adult Channel they see fit without warning or notice, they will issue fines and sanctions for the channels also without warning or any notice given. They have rules in place which are so draconian that you'd think we were still living in the dark ages.

Second of all it's bad enough when we have seasoned forum member's going against the struggle against ofcom and then worse still we have a relatively new forum member in the name of Tumble_Drier posting what he did without thinking of the repercussions and anger that a post like his would provoke. What an insult to have to read his trolling comments.

I would personally like to thank the majority of the forum members who have remained sincere to the cause and for us to never give up or turn our back on what will be a long struggle which hopefully in the end we'll all prevail.

I don't think I can make my point anymore crystal clear. Fight ofcom and fight censorship and be sincere in your agenda.
08-07-2012 17:56
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Tumble_Drier Offline
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Post: #1699
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Clearly "Scottishbloke" only wants people to post if their opinions are in line with his. That sounds very much like the people he claims to be "fighting" against to me.

Anyway i've said my piece. You can carrying on venting your spleen now.

Only 3 things in life are certain. Death, Taxes and lesbians will never look how they do in porn movies.
08-07-2012 18:11
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shankey! Offline
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Post: #1700
RE: Ofcom Discussion
and here was me thinking this thread was supposed to be trying to stop ofcom ruling any more sanctions and opposing the ones they have set in place , its more like their fan club now !
08-07-2012 18:32
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