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Ofcom Discussion

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continental19 Offline
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Post: #1721
RE: Ofcom Discussion
When you actually stop and think about the current situation we find ourselves in, it really is a sad state of affairs. I mean whoever would have thought in the 21st century where we have so much technology on hand, from pc's smartphones tablets etc etc, that we are squabbling about a woman showing her vagina after the 9pm watershed. What the F**K is going onHuh
As far as I'm aware the female vagina hasn't changed over thousands of years nor the male penis for that matter. If anyone know's there history the Romans were getting there end away back in the day, gay sex lesbian sex you name it they were doing it, could you imagine if Ofcom were regulating back in those days of the Roman empire, Ofcom would have been slung to the lionsBig Laugh
I remember going to the ruins of Pompei near Naples, the guide showed us a place where men could have sex, and you could see the sex menu inscribed on the walls showing what positions were on offer. Sex is nothing new, yet here we are thousands of years later and we're still talking about a woman's vagina what the F**K is going onannoyed
The independant television commission had it right, in other words 9pm meant 9pmImportant After that time its down to the responsibility of the parents to regulate what there children should and shouldn't watch its that simple, its not hard to understand. We heard from David Cameron in the Leverson inquiry that he wanted to reduce the powers that Ofcom currently has, however he said that it seems this has currently slipped through the net, why? well i think its to do with the Lib dems, but I'm not getting into that political debate.
At the end of the day when the clock strikes 9pm that means its adult viewing, then its down to the parents to make sure there children shouldn't be watching adult material it's that simpleImportant
(This post was last modified: 09-07-2012 14:52 by continental19.)
09-07-2012 13:51
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #1722
RE: Ofcom Discussion
What I can't get over these days is that we have a number of battles on our hands. When I first joined this forum at the start of 2010 there was a unanimous understanding throughout the whole forum that we all wanted an end to ofcom rule and a drastic change in the rules.

Recently I've seen that many forum members going back on their word, mocking the petition, telling us all that we all need to get a life and in general trying their best to take all credibilty away from this section of the forum. This is not doing us any favours and is slowing the process down when such pety arguments have been breaking out. This is the last thing we need.

At ofcom all things are still quiet but looking throught the channels recently you are beginning to wonder if the battle has allready been won.

I am old enough to remember an era where we had the likes of Sexstation TV and Babestar TV sticking 2 fingers up to the censors on a daily basis, even some of the dayshows at one point would also happily stick 2 fingers up at ofcom. Anybody remember some of the knickerless shows such as LA Babes. Good times they were.

Everything we see now is forumulatic and what we are seeing at present is exactly where ofcom want us to be. Shows that are just going through the motions and lacking anything that is remotely erotic, that might explain why I am finding myself looking out the old recordings more and more these days.

Fanboys also certainly don't help either, when you read some of the posters saying great show I think you clearly haven't seen what went on before, back in the day we could 100% say they were great shows, not now.

2012 and the shows have never been so tame.
(This post was last modified: 09-07-2012 15:27 by Scottishbloke.)
09-07-2012 14:16
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Addison Away
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Post: #1723
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(09-07-2012 14:16 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  I am old enough to remember an era where we had the likes of Sexstation TV and Babestar TV sticking 2 fingers up to the censors on a daily basis, even some of the dayshows at one point would also happily stick 2 fingers up at ofcom. Anybody remember some of the knickerless shows such as LA Babes. Good times they were.

Everything we see now is forumulatic and what we are seeing at present is exactly where ofcom want us to be.

The irony being that the shows became MORE formulaic the more they tried to up the strength of content. I know this SB, because I'm even older than you, was watching, on and off, from the summer of 2003, and still have a number of recordings of those early shows! Fun was the watchword early on, and the fun started to get squeezed out as the babes were put under pressure for whatever reason to 'sex it up' more. Personality and individuality got lost in the mix, as the babes gradually morphed into yer standard pouting, tit-jiggling, air-fellating sex mannequins.
09-07-2012 16:08
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mr mystery Away
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Post: #1724
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Ofcom's latest broadcast bulletin came out earlier today , issue number 209 and dated 09/07/2012 .

I had a quick look through it earlier on today to see if any of the babe channels were mentioned, the only two that i saw mentioned were Elite nights and Storm nights.
Like i mentioned in the Elite thread Ofcom received a complaint for something broadcast on Elite nights on the 22/05/2012, this complaint was assessed but was judged not to be worth worth investigating .

A complaint was also made to Ofcom about something broadcast on Storm nights on the 18/06/2012, Ofcom assessed this complaint and decided to investigate this complaint further .

I didn't see any other babe channel mentioned at all for being found in breach, under investigation or having complaints made against them other than the two iv'e mentioned but i could have missed one .

Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
(This post was last modified: 09-07-2012 20:44 by mr mystery.)
09-07-2012 20:37
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dan g 27 Offline
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Post: #1725
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Do you know, which babes were complained about and what were the reasons for the complaint?
09-07-2012 21:03
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mr mystery Away
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Post: #1726
RE: Ofcom Discussion
^ There is nothing mentioned in Ofcom's bulletin other than the name of the program and date it was transmitted that led to the complaint, Ofcom don't even give the time that the alleged offence took place, they don't even say in Elite's case which one of their channels it was that was complained about. Ofcom only usually go into details concerning the complaints after a investigation as taken place .
So in Elite's case it could have been any one of the girls that were on screen on the 22/05/2012 at some point during the night show, like wise for Storm, not sure who was on Storm on the 18/06/2012, or if 1 or 2 girls were on that night .

Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
09-07-2012 22:11
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seth Offline
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Post: #1727
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(06-07-2012 21:33 )Tumble_Drier Wrote:  Good god, what a bunch of whiney, sad old women you are. Getting all wound up because your poor little wank channels are oppressed by those nasty zealots at Ofcom.

Get over it. There are plenty of ways to see whatever sort of porn you want. You're just too lazy to get off your comfy sofas and find it.

Just remember that Ofcom want to censor the internet also.
09-07-2012 23:01
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Tumble_Drier Offline
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Post: #1728
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(09-07-2012 23:01 )seth Wrote:  Just remember that Ofcom want to censor the internet also.

A resource used by tens of millions of people in the UK is hardly comparable to a couple of dozen channels high up in the Sky EPG.

Any attempt to restrict internet use would be a massive vote loser to the sitting government. An "opt in" system is possible though and i wouldn't have a problem with that.

Only 3 things in life are certain. Death, Taxes and lesbians will never look how they do in porn movies.
09-07-2012 23:16
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eccles Offline
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Post: #1729
RE: Ofcom Discussion
It goes beyond that. Ofom are legally required to regulate video on demand. Bizarrely they permit TVX to operate a hardcore service behind a paywall on the internet but not on TV. The argument against TV is that some kids have access to their parents bank cards and PINS. The argument against banning hardcore web access is, er...?

Its difficult to see how Ofcom can sustain this position.

Gone fishing
10-07-2012 00:31
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #1730
RE: Ofcom Discussion
With todays technology we are edging ever closer than ever to satelites being consigned to the history archives and for the next generation of television entertainment to begin.

Future EPG's I think will all go through the internet, the days of SKY I feel are well numbered that is why Ofcom seem to want to get their hands on regulation of the internet before this all becomes a reality.

I'd imagine say in the next 10 years that when you go to your EPG that you will be presented with every country all around the world which I'd imagine some as today would be FTA and others would be subscription based. It will render it pointless for Ofcom to regulate the UK Channels if the German and French ones can be accessed just as easily.

At the moment the quality of the internet streams is not the best and it will need a major overhaul before it can be brought into line with the standard TV reception, it will in time be polished and will offer us all a far sharper and crispier presentation than at present and most will if not all be broadcast in 3D. Infact I'd go as far to say that future babe shows will be able to be a virtual reality experience.

If you look at the vast leap forwards in technology since the start of this century then what we see at present will be prehistoric when viewed further into this the 21st Century. We all look back and laugh at the mobile phones we all thought were great back in the year 2000.

Ofcom may be top dog at the moment but when we enter an era of more and more choice they will also soon be looked back in history as a mere nuisance that tried but ultimately in the end failed in their quest for global censorship.

Ofcom is only an era and in years to come they will most likely be forgotten about when we ask just who the hell were they Cool
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2012 17:10 by Scottishbloke.)
11-07-2012 17:07
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