(09-08-2012 13:49 )mr mystery Wrote: I was assuming you had already gone through Ofcom's "old" rules and had seen it mentioned somewhere that the cupped hand thong was once allowed by Ofcom, hence why i thought you made the claim that banning the cupped hand thong was among the biggest rule changes , so i was asking were i could find this old rule allowing the cupped hand , i'm not saying there was never a rule that did allow the cupped hand to be used by the way or that there wasn't one ,but i was/am unaware that there was one.
Why are you being so pedantic?
As I am sure you are only too aware, there was never a written rule stating that the 'hand-thong' was acceptable, however, there was a rule-change that explicitly outlawed it.
(if you want to be so petty, I think the actual rule outlawed rubbing or continued touching of the genitals, so technically the hand-thong was OK as long as the girl didn't physically touch her pussy while doing it, and for some time, many girls did just use their hand as a 'shield' instead)
There have been other changes such as the restriction on use of fluids. I believe the new regulation is that fluids cannot be used in such a way as to simulate seminal fluid, which pretty much oulaws the use of lotion, and led to oil not being used for a while, although it doesn't explicitly disallow oil.
That doesn't mean there was previously a rule saying that 'pretend spunk'
was permitted.
Also 2-4-1's are pretty much outlawed now. I forget the exact way the ruling is worded, but as with most of these things, it's done in such a way that it is open to interpretation, it doesn't explicitly say 2 girls aren't allowed on screen together, or can't touch each other, but it's said in such a way that most channels won't take the risk at the moment.
It's not
just rule changes that impact the shows, it's also the enforcement of those rules. In recent years, Ofcom has increasingly had an agenda against the channels, which has led to stricter enforcement, which in turn has meant the channels have had to more carefully regulate their output to avoid punishment.
Certainly that can be used as an excuse at times, but I think we can all tell the difference between a restricted performance and a plain lazy one.