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Blu Ray Recommendations

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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #211
RE: Blu Ray Recommendations
In a nut shell blu ray discs have more memory they hold about five times the amount of information that can be stored on a when your watching a film the picture and sound quality are a lot better and it uses a different laser to read the disc's funny enough a blue laser lol. Dvd's are a cheaper option but it all depends on what you want if you really love the attention to detail on films and with sound then blu ray is way better then dvd but you have to do the research on certain films as some films are rushed onto blu ray and its a shit transfer and then they re-release them again but this time fixed i.e Total Recall, Predator and because of the special coating on the discs there less likely to scratch. You can pick up blu ray films dirt cheap these days and a lot of sites do deals like 2 for a tenner, 3 for 20 quid etc etc. I've upgraded some of dvd films like the back to future trilogy, the superman box set and believe you me theres a big difference when you watch the dvd anf blu ray versions and you notice detail you've never seen before. I hope this helps Smile.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
(This post was last modified: 19-08-2012 18:45 by *Kal-El*.)
19-08-2012 18:44
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dan g 27 Offline
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Post: #212
RE: Blu Ray Recommendations
Cheers man, I might give blu ray a shot

But one more question is blu ray just for laptops?Huh
19-08-2012 18:49
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #213
RE: Blu Ray Recommendations
No as the PS3 uses blu ray, so it can play blu ray films and play games which are blu ray. thats why certain PS3 games come on one disc and the same games on the 360 sometimes come two discs. Plus you can get stand alone blu ray players and there cheap as well these days.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
(This post was last modified: 19-08-2012 20:07 by *Kal-El*.)
19-08-2012 19:00
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #214
RE: Blu Ray Recommendations
yeah i got a 3D blu-ray player for my main room recently for £99.99 and blu-rays now are generally the same price as dvd's if not cheaper when bought in promotions ie 5 for £30

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
19-08-2012 19:14
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4evadionne Offline
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Post: #215
RE: Blu Ray Recommendations
22 Bullets:
I have liked Jean Reno ever since "Leon" and this thriller see's him back in that territory.He plays a Marseille hitman gone straight, who one morning is attacked on the docks and left for dead with 22 bullets in his body. Surprise, Surprise, he survives and goes looking for the one man who would dare try to kill him. This is a great action movie, with violence and shootouts a plenty. Picture quality is fine, while extras are a little sparse. The movie is french with english subtitles, but its a fab little film.
19-08-2012 19:40
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #216
RE: Blu Ray Recommendations
There not the same price just depends on the company for example The Avengers is about £14.99 on blu ray or a few quid more if you opt for the 3D version, dvd version of the same movie is only a tenner. Then you get some blu ray films that have no extras and are around 13 pounds and the dvd of the same movie is under a tenner. You also have to factor boxset's, dvd box sets are why cheeper then then blu ray counterparts for example The Star Trek Next Gen dvd Boxsets are about £16.99 and the blu ray counter-part £50. Blu rays can be more dear if there triple plays or limited edition steel books. The only time there not that different in price is either when there in a sale or if there bought second-hand.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
19-08-2012 20:16
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #217
RE: Blu Ray Recommendations
You can get blu ray films even cheaper if you be them second hand via amazon marketplace and play trade and you can get some right bargains and pay next to nothing, you do have be carful on which sellers you choose so i tend to use ones that a high ratings and feedback but your protected if anything does happen, also if the blu ray has a digital copy take note in buying them second hand that code could be used. Sometimes certain blu ray films end up really cheap brand new as there's a better transfer version of film coming out as side before they did that with predator and total recall, its the same with games too but again DLC content or Online passes could be already be used. Finally if you wanna compare prices use search sites to get the best deals, heres one i always use:

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
19-08-2012 20:36
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #218
RE: Blu Ray Recommendations
battleship steelbook edition. get a bluray of battleship with over an hour of extras along with a digital copy of the film and a ultraviolet copy of the film

much better film than you think

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
20-08-2012 23:14
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #219
RE: Blu Ray Recommendations
Here's a couple of blu ray films i would recommend picking up the first one is Fast And Furious 5 now already did a review on this but the only reason why am mentioning this again is that you pick this up very cheap as a steel book at very cheap price last time i looked you could pick this up for £6.95, now its still a triple play so you get a blu ray, dvd and digital copy of the film. The design of the steel book has a really nice finish to it on the front, back and inside of the case. Really worth picking up if your a collector or if you don't already own the film.
The second blu ray i would is Total Recall - Ultimate Rekall Edition now bare in mind that this second version of the film to come out, the first version was a single disc and hardly any extras even worse was that the R and D process on the film transfer was shit making the images super smooth and actors faces looked like plastic. Thankful this isn't the case now this version, the picture quality is crisp and clear and very detailed now in places you do see a little grain here and there but thats not a surprise considering the age of the film, the bit in the film where you see the guy sweat before arnie kills him is really detailed. Now the sound quality is where the film really shines you gotta have this hooked up to 5.1 cinema system. There's a good few extras on the disc and even commentary with Arnold which he hardly does, its a triple play so you get the blu ray, dvd and digital copy of the film. What makes this film even more worthy of a purchase is that i saw that Asda was selling it for a tenner Smile.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
(This post was last modified: 21-08-2012 07:03 by *Kal-El*.)
21-08-2012 05:46
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bytor Offline
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Post: #220
RE: Blu Ray Recommendations
(21-08-2012 05:46 )kalel76 Wrote:  Thankful this isn't the case now this version, the picture quality is crisp and clear and very detailed now in places you do see a little grain here and there but thats not a surprise considering the age of the film, the bit in the film where you see the guy sweat before arnie kills him is really detailed. Now the sound quality is where the film really shines you gotta have this hooked up to 5.1 cinema system. There's a good few extras on the disc and even commentary with Arnold which he hardly does, its a triple play so you get the blu ray, dvd and digital copy of the film. What makes this film even more worthy of a purchase is that i saw was selling it for a tenner Smile.

Thanks for that point-I saw this at the cinema the day it came out Big Grin
21-08-2012 06:23
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