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The Most Painful Movie & TV Deaths Scenes

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i'llbeback123 Offline
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Post: #21
RE: The Most Painful Movie & TV Deaths Scenes
Jason X (2001) Adrienne (Kristi Angus) -Face frozen in liquid nitrogen by Jason, then smashed against a counter -

Goldeneye (1995) Alec Trevelyan (Sean Bean) - Killed when Antenna Cradle fell on him, crushing him -

Tomorrow never dies (1997) Elliot Carver (Jonathan Pryce) - Was killed when Bond activated Carver's own sea drill & used it against him -

Kill Bill: Vol II (2004) Beatrix Kiddo, a.k.a. The Bride (Uma Thurman) vs Gogo Yubari (Chiaki Kuriyama) - Killed when Kiddo distracts Gogo by driving a broken chair leg studded with nails into her foot, then kills her by driving the chair leg into the side of her head. -

MK11 aka Mortal Kombat 11 - Spawn (DLC) vs Shao Kahn intro:
Spawn: Imagine Outworld free of slaves.
Shao Kahn: Over my dead body.
Spawn: Today's the day, skull-fucker.
20-08-2012 17:24
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terence Offline

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Post: #22
RE: The Most Painful Movie & TV Deaths Scenes

i think you'll agree, a pretty nasty way to go!

Chuck Norris has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). the virus is now in quarantine for 14 days.
(This post was last modified: 20-08-2012 17:32 by terence.)
20-08-2012 17:31
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MeTarzan Offline
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Post: #23
RE: The Most Painful Movie & TV Deaths Scenes
(14-08-2012 18:57 )illbeback123 Wrote:  
(14-08-2012 14:26 )kalel76 Wrote:  

Seen this vid loads of time, ED-209 scared the shit out of me when I was a kid eekeekeek

Some wonderfully cynical scenes in this movie...

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20-08-2012 17:59
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #24
RE: The Most Painful Movie & TV Deaths Scenes

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
20-08-2012 20:44
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #25
RE: The Most Painful Movie & TV Deaths Scenes

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
20-08-2012 20:46
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i'llbeback123 Offline
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Post: #26
RE: The Most Painful Movie & TV Deaths Scenes
Anaconda (1997) Paul Sarone (Jon Voight) - Eaten whole by Giant Anaconda, then was spat out by anaconda right in front of Terri Flores (Jennifer Lopez). Sarone even managed to wink at Flores.

Anaconda (1997) Mateo ((Vincent Castellanos) - killed by the anaconda, which strangles him to death near a boat.

Red Dragon Freddy Lounds (Phillip Seymour Hoffman) -Provokes Francis Dolarhyde (Ralph Fiennes), who kidnaps Lounds, glues him to an antique wheelchair, forces him to recant his allegations, and then sets him on fire outside his newspaper's offices. -

Damien: Omen II (1978) A doctor (Meshach Taylor) discovers that Damien's blood cell structure resembles that of a jackal, but, before he can report this, he is cut in half by a falling elevator cable.

Ghost Ship (2002) Death scene -

Lake Placid (1999) Grizzly bear vs crocodile -

The Terminator (1984) 3 punks death scene -

MK11 aka Mortal Kombat 11 - Spawn (DLC) vs Shao Kahn intro:
Spawn: Imagine Outworld free of slaves.
Shao Kahn: Over my dead body.
Spawn: Today's the day, skull-fucker.
22-08-2012 00:06
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i'llbeback123 Offline
Hasta la vista, baby!

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Post: #27
RE: The Most Painful Movie & TV Deaths Scenes
The Omen (1976) Mrs Baylock (Billie Whitelaw) Nanny death scene -

The Omen (1976) Keith Jennings (David Warner) Decapitation scene -

The Mummy Returns (2001) Anck Su Namum (Patricia Velásquez) - She accidentally falls into the scorpion pit while trying to escape. -

The Mummy Returns (2001) Imhotep (Arnold Vosloo) pit death scene -

Robocop (1987) Emil Antonowsky (Paul McCrane) toxic waste death scene -

MK11 aka Mortal Kombat 11 - Spawn (DLC) vs Shao Kahn intro:
Spawn: Imagine Outworld free of slaves.
Shao Kahn: Over my dead body.
Spawn: Today's the day, skull-fucker.
22-08-2012 15:44
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i'llbeback123 Offline
Hasta la vista, baby!

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Post: #28
RE: The Most Painful Movie & TV Deaths Scenes
Damien: Omen II (1978) Mark Thorn (Lucas Donat) - Damien kills Mark by introducing an aneurysm into his brain.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 2 Episode 17 Passion Angelus (David Boreanaz) chases Jenny Calender (Robia LaMorte), where upon catching her, he calmly snaps her neck.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 7 Ends of days Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) slices the stomach of Caleb (Nathan Fillion) -

Spider-Man (2002) Spiderman/Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) vs the Green Goblin/Norman Osborn (Willem Dafoe) - impaled by his own glider while tryin to kill Spiderman -

Spider-Man 2 (2004) Rosalie Octavius (Donna Murphy) - Killed when a piece of flying glass impaled her eye cause by her husband Dr. Otto Octavius (Alfred Molina)

Training Day (2001) Detective Alonzo Harris (Denzel Washington) shot to death scene -

Innerspace (1987) Mr. Igoe (Vernon Wells) digested by Jack's (Martin Short) stomach acid.

Punisher: War Zone (2008) Asylum Orderly (Pat Fry) eaten alive by James Russoti / Loony Bin Jim (LBJ) (Doug Hutchison) -

MK11 aka Mortal Kombat 11 - Spawn (DLC) vs Shao Kahn intro:
Spawn: Imagine Outworld free of slaves.
Shao Kahn: Over my dead body.
Spawn: Today's the day, skull-fucker.
(This post was last modified: 22-08-2012 23:52 by i'llbeback123.)
22-08-2012 23:48
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4evadionne Offline
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Post: #29
RE: The Most Painful Movie & TV Deaths Scenes

The head exploding sequence, it still makes me wince.
23-08-2012 07:43
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iamthatjack Offline

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Post: #30
RE: The Most Painful Movie & TV Deaths Scenes
If you consider emotional pain, this would win hands down

24-08-2012 16:40
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