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Storm Attacked By Ofcom

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shylok Offline
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Post: #51
Exclamation RE: Storm Attacked By Ofcom
(11-09-2012 14:35 )Digital Dave Wrote:  I don't think the channels owners will ever get together as they seem unable to think strategically. They think that grassing each other up is the way to go. As you say sb, there's a lot of stupidity in all this.

As this latest issue arose from one single complaint (as usual) I bet it was from another channel. I would find it inconceivable that a member of the public, no matter how prudish, would switch on to an adult channel after 9pm and think to himself, even thought the model on screen was fully-clothed: "Hang on, I can see her nipples through that dress. I'm outraged!" and then go to the trouble of contacting the regulator.

Well put Dave.

This is why I say fuck the channels. They deserve what they get because in the main they are lazy and expect us to fight their battles for them. Ultimately, our arguments/beef is much wider than looking after poor old '££££EliteStation£££' its about good old fashioned CENSORSHIP!

If they (the channels) are dobbing each other in, then they get what they fucking deserve IMHO. I'm starting to hate them almost as much as Ofcom.

If they had any fucking balls they would work together and fight Ofcom in court.


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(This post was last modified: 11-09-2012 18:19 by shylok.)
11-09-2012 18:06
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #52
RE: Storm Attacked By Ofcom
Aye it speaks volumes that not one single channel rep has ever posted on this section. Not one single one of them ever mentioned the petition either during the broadcast of their shows. So yes I'm also with you Shylok, I know it's shit on us but fuck the channels too, the gutless bastards deserve every fine that comes their way. Fucking cowards and cowboys the lot of them. Stick your £1.53 right up your arse. Treat customers like shite but expect them to hand over their hard earned money. No thanks...............annoyed
(This post was last modified: 11-09-2012 19:08 by Scottishbloke.)
11-09-2012 19:07
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shylok Offline
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Post: #53
RE: Storm Attacked By Ofcom
Bang on SB. Why should we keep busting ours guts for them when they treat us with such contempt!?! Piss takers...

Not good.........


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11-09-2012 19:55
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #54
RE: Storm Attacked By Ofcom
You'd think after what happened to Bangbabes at the start of 2011 that they might all have sat up and took notice. Bangbabes was almost as old as Babestation and was a long running and very successful show. Surely that should have sent alarm bells ringing throughout all of them, a chance to put all differences to one side with the unanimous chorus of shit that could just as easily happened to us. It seems Ofcom have now made Storm their number 1 target, this is only the start of it, after they've successfully disposed of them then they'll target another which will most likely be RLC or Playboy. One by one ofcom will destroy them and bring to a conclusion and the end of and era for this type of entertainment. Pardon the pun but a storm is brewing Cool
11-09-2012 20:11
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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #55
RE: Storm Attacked By Ofcom
One of the aspects of Ofcom's war on the babeshows that annoys me the most, is how openly they admit to finding a channel in breach, on the strength of a single complaint. Every bulletin of theirs regarding the babeshows starts, "Ofcom received a complaint.... bla de fucking bla"

There's not a single other channel or programme out there that Ofcom would consider so much as investigating, let alone find in breach, on the strength of a single complaint.
(This post was last modified: 11-09-2012 23:58 by StanTheMan.)
11-09-2012 23:57
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #56
RE: Storm Attacked By Ofcom
Whatever ofcom are smoking at HQ I want some of it, since when did the babe channels suddenly become family viewing, not suitable for children, well done einstein, Ed Richards gets paid an astonishing £363,539 per year to head up this fascist organisation, obviously having brains doesn't feature highly on the list of assets. Fucking idiots at ofcom and even bigger ones happily running the channels into the ground paying any fine without so much of a whimper.

BTW I'm offended every single night by the babe channels. They offend me because they are so fucking patronising. Can't show pussy, can't swear, can't get into revealing positions. What's the fucking point in them. Fucking waste of space the lot of them. Why are they so shit, oh yes because this is a childrens show ofcourse, fuck me back in my day when I was growing up I had to make do with playschool.

Now it appears in the land of ofcom that it's now playboy instead replacing the previous as the new form of childrens tv. Can I suggest then that ofcom demand a reshuffle of all the adult channels and have them placed in the 600 section instead next to all the cartoons. At the end of the day they have to be suitable for children so you may as well have them properly labelled from now on.
12-09-2012 01:02
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eccles Offline
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Post: #57
RE: Storm Attacked By Ofcom
(11-09-2012 23:57 )StanTheMan Wrote:  One of the aspects of Ofcom's war on the babeshows that annoys me the most, is how openly they admit to finding a channel in breach, on the strength of a single complaint. Every bulletin of theirs regarding the babeshows starts, "Ofcom received a complaint.... bla de fucking bla"

There's not a single other channel or programme out there that Ofcom would consider so much as investigating, let alone find in breach, on the strength of a single complaint.

Absurd isnt it. Ofcom try to claim that breaches are some sort of absolute offence, like driving at 90 on the wrong side of the motorway, printing fake money or shooting up heroin, and all the complainant is doing is to raw their attention to it. But they arent shy of saying the complainant was offended or it exceeded their expectations, and the entire reason for the rules is standards expected by the general public. By treating a single complaint more seriously than hundreds against Eastenders or X-Factor and ignoring thousands of happy viewers they destroy any rational basis for action.

By the way, Im not in this for the channels benefit, they arent struggling charities, Im in it for my leisure time, and yours, and (a little bit) for freedom of speech. Though if some of the babes want to pop round and thank me later...

Gone fishing
12-09-2012 02:00
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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #58
RE: Storm Attacked By Ofcom
(11-09-2012 19:55 )shylok Wrote:  Bang on SB. Why should we keep busting ours guts for them when they treat us with such contempt!?! Piss takers...

Not good.........


Well, chaps, you can add me firmly to the 'fuck the channels' camp too! I've been saying this for years, but the channels do not give a flying fuck what we really want. The fanboys are perfectly happy to continue lining their grubby fucking pockets and this is the only thing the thieving cunts are concerned with. In fact, I'd go one step further than 'fuck the channels', and say that I'd laugh my arse off if they all got closed down tomorrow. It would give me great pleasure to imagine them all licking their wounds and sobbing, "We should have listened... we should have stood up to Ofcom from the start..."

The only comfort I take from all this is that they've not had a single penny from me.
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2012 02:43 by StanTheMan.)
12-09-2012 02:39
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shylok Offline
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Post: #59
RE: Storm Attacked By Ofcom
(12-09-2012 02:39 )StanTheMan Wrote:  
(11-09-2012 19:55 )shylok Wrote:  Bang on SB. Why should we keep busting ours guts for them when they treat us with such contempt!?! Piss takers...

Not good.........


Well, chaps, you can add me firmly to the 'fuck the channels' camp too! I've been saying this for years, but the channels do not give a flying fuck what we really want. The fanboys are perfectly happy to continue lining their grubby fucking pockets and this is the only thing the thieving cunts are concerned with. In fact, I'd go one step further than 'fuck the channels', and say that I'd laugh my arse off if they all got closed down tomorrow. It would give me great pleasure to imagine them all licking their wounds and sobbing, "We should have listened... we should have stood up to Ofcom from the start..."

The only comfort I take from all this is that they've not had a single penny from me.

With you completely Stan.

Maybe this is the way forward. Lets stop actively supporting them. Bizarre idea I know, but perhaps after so much time 'fighting for them' and getting treated like shit, we should leave them to fight their own battles or burn.

Lets see how they get on then. Maybe this will force them to be more inventive...?


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(This post was last modified: 12-09-2012 05:56 by shylok.)
12-09-2012 05:54
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sweetsugar007 Offline
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Post: #60
RE: Storm Attacked By Ofcom
As long as they are making money they wont do anything to improve the product, a product which has virtually stopped still since the end of about 2010.

Spiderman,Spiderman,does whatever a Spider can!!!
12-09-2012 08:48
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