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RE: £91,000 phone bill calling chatlines
(08-05-2013 15:14 )bigglesworth Wrote: If there were no babe channels there would still be plenty of adult phone lines and chat lines available, so I fail to see why the channels should be a particular cause of concern. All the channels do is promote services which would exist anyway, the same as many newspapers and magazines advertise such things.
Could you please read the post that I made in its entirety, I have also highlighted a relevant issue in bold:
(07-05-2013 09:41 )MONEY BANG Wrote: They have a genuine interest in the life dominance that the channels can cause the vulnerable. It is an important objective for the Coalition government to have people contribute towards society, not withdraw from it to dedicate their lives to watching and sometimes calling the channels.
This MP serves the people, society, just because someone should be a registered member of this forum does not mean that they should be excluded from society and not be deserving of assistance.
I have encountered many people who cannot call the channels due to both health issues (speech impediment) and financial issues (their parents control their funds), yet they are consumed by and unable to control their addiction.
For many people an 11 digit number advertised in the back of a magazine does not have the same allure as a woman live on your TV screen, hence the reason why the channels invest in paying live production staff and live models.
Bigglesworth: If you can say, in all honesty, that there are not people who spend the vast percentage of their day watching and tweeting the Babe Show performers and visiting internet websites dedicated to the babe shows, then there is not a problem.
08-05-2013 17:33 |
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RE: £91,000 phone bill calling chatlines
(09-05-2013 10:54 )bigglesworth Wrote: Why does it matter what people do with their time? Some people spend all their waking hours playing video games or hanging out in bookmaker shops. Surely it's better to watch babe channels all night than smoke crack?
Addicted to gambling? There is help/rehabilitation/counselling via the NHS.
Addicted to illegal narcotics? There is help/rehabilitation/counselling via the NHS.
Now imagine if you were to "come out" and tell family/friends that you are addicted to alcohol/drugs/gambling.. They would most likely feel sympathy for you and point you towards health professionals. Tell your close friends and family that you are addicted to tweeting and watching the babe channels and, well you guess the result.
You chose to ignore this point that I put to you:
"If you can say, in all honesty, that there are not people who spend the vast percentage of their day watching and tweeting the Babe Show performers and visiting internet websites dedicated to the babe shows, then there is not a problem."
Those victims do exist, that problem exists. And there should be help and understanding for those who are addicted to Babe Shows.
(This post was last modified: 09-05-2013 13:35 by MONEY BANG.)
09-05-2013 13:34 |
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RE: £91,000 phone bill calling chatlines
(09-05-2013 13:34 )MONEY BANG Wrote: ...
Those victims do exist, that problem exists. And there should be help and understanding for those who are addicted to Babe Shows.
There may not be a specific 'Babeshows Anonymous', but it is my understanding that there IS help available via various organisations (charities, NHS mental health groups etc) for addictions of ALL kinds, both physical and mental, which would include this kind of addiction.
Getting access to that help may be more difficult, because this is a very specialist type of addiction, and the resources available are not as plentiful as for the more common addictions, and the help is more specialised and therefore the people providing it are more thin on the ground, but it is out there.
"I'm a featherless bird ... in a sky so absurd"
Sophia - Becky - Mica - Camilla - Ella
09-05-2013 14:48 |
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RE: £91,000 phone bill calling chatlines
(06-05-2013 16:24 )MONEY BANG Wrote: (06-05-2013 15:53 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote: Their is no Kev, their is no debt of 91 grand, therefore no story. Unless this man called Kev is arrested and put on trial. Then and only then should it be believed. As I have said before this plot was conceived by ad men, as a way of making the people that phone up these sites feel smug about their control of something that can destroy some people, It makes them think the amounts they frittered away is justifiable compared to the money that Kev spent. I await to be proved wrong.
Well then there is a high level Government conspiracy as a senior member of the conservative party has been offering assistance and guidance to Kev during this incident.
I have sent your their personal phone number via DM and they can confirm to you that Kev is real and not a fictional character created by an advertising agency.
Well Money Bang, you believe what you want to. But if you do really think someone from the Tory party would sully him/her self by involving themselves in something so unsavoury. Then I must say. "No it will never happen. NO, NEVER"!!
09-05-2013 15:06 |
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RE: £91,000 phone bill calling chatlines
Oh Rammy,Rammy,Rammy. Whatever thread, subject, or general chat, my desire in life is not to see Dionne shift her lovely arse a little more often, or OSGs to suddenly become smaller, or maybe for all the tattoos in the world to fade away. No it's none of these things, what I want is for you to once in your Babe Channel life critisise something. Take it from me it is not as good as you portray it to be. You would please me, and i'm sure others by shouting as loud as you can, "THE SHOWS LAST NIGHT WERE FUCKING SHITE". And then stamp your feet very hard. Whilst going red in the face. Thank you.
09-05-2013 15:30 |
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RE: £91,000 phone bill calling chatlines
(09-05-2013 15:06 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote: Well Money Bang, you believe what you want to. But if you do really think someone from the Tory party would sully him/her self by involving themselves in something so unsavoury. Then I must say. "No it will never happen. NO, NEVER"!!
Unsavory? Offering support to victims is unsavory? Setting up a scheme to assist those who are unable to work back into paid employment is unsavory?
If they were campaigning for less regulation, freedom to have explicit content broadcast on TV, then yes, that would be viewed as "unsavory" in Conservative terms, helping those who are on long term sickness due to addiction (such as Kev, by his own admission in interviews) back to work is well in line with Conservative political mantra.
Besides, Kev has told the senior Conservative that he no longer wishes to assist in setting up such a foundation, unless someone else who is willing and able to confront their addiction steps up to assist in the foundations creation, then it is on hold.
"RESPONSIBLE ADULT" you seem to have missed numerous points in this discussion. You said previously that Kev does not exist, that he is a fictional character created by an advertising agency. May I suggest you read this link:
09-05-2013 15:39 |