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RE: BabestationX & Live Shows - Chat & Discussion
Time for me to re-enter the fray!
To answer a few questions and reply to a few comments.
In no particular order - I believe its £3 on freeview and £1.50 on the website, but the £3 may be weekends only?? I do know that website access gives you a free pin every night for the freeview show, but obviously that's not much use if there's nothing on you want to watch!
I agree with others in that Brookie was obviously working to a limit the other night and that limit was "no spreading". I can only guess / assume that its because either BSX are running very scared of regulators at the mo and are being cautious, or because there is some difference between what is allowed on an encrypted adult channel and BSX. The reason I say that is that the FTA channels are I think classed as advertising, so the rules during shows may be different than on standard adult channels. Like I said, I'm only guessing.
Let me repeat, again, I have NO connection with BSX or any company that might be associated with it. I work for the Co-op! I find it odd that just because I have been supportive of BSX in the recent past that people automatically assume I work for them! I have been very critical of them too, but that doesn't get noticed.
Can I assume that all those who are critical of BSX or want it to break the rules (and so get taken off air) are actually working for rival channels? Or would you claim you are just expressing your views?? Well that's all I am doing too.
And Sierraman. When I say things like "I accept there should be variety in what BSX shows", that does not mean "I want BSX to be really tame every night" like you seem to think it does. Just because someone says it's ok for SOME nights to be tame does not mean they want ALL nights to be tame.
And for the record, yes you did REPEATEDLY imply that ALL nights should be "to proper X levels". Every time a night came where it wasn't you were on here complaining about the "rubbish that's on show tonight" and the "*rap that's not even worth tuning in for" because "this station should show proper X levels because there's an X in the name"! I understand that's what you want to see, and that's fine. I just happen to think it's unrealistic.
For the record, I am NOT particularly impressed with what's on offer at the moment. The pre-recorded stuff is still drivel, the live shows have been tamed down beyond what I think they need to do to keep the regulators happy, and they can't even show the best old live shows because they go beyond their current restrictions too. It's fairly pants.
Do I think they should deliberately break the rules and show penetration? No. Not unless they are prepared to go to court to fight for their right to do so. I wish they would. But I don't believe they have. It took decades before the law banning hardcore magazines and DVDs was challenged, so I'm not holding my breath on this one.
One other point, I don't think it is illegal to show R18 on TV. I think it is merely against Ofcom's code or guidelines or whatever. And even the Ofcom ban is only there as a precaution against the possibility of potentially vulnerable minors possibly finding the pin code and maybe being harmed by what they might see. That's a lot of ifs and buts to base a code on but that's what they did. Which is why I believe it COULD successfully be challenged.
I live in hope!
16-07-2013 19:03 |
mr mystery
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RE: BabestationX & Live Shows - Chat & Discussion
(16-07-2013 19:03 )Grawth Wrote: One other point, I don't think it is illegal to show R18 on TV. I think it is merely against Ofcom's code or guidelines or whatever. And even the Ofcom ban is only there as a precaution against the possibility of potentially vulnerable minors possibly finding the pin code and maybe being harmed by what they might see. That's a lot of ifs and buts to base a code on but that's what they did. Which is why I believe it COULD successfully be challenged.
R18 classified material cannot be shown on UK TV, in fact you cannot even purchase R18 classified DVD's by mail order in the UK, you have to go in person to licensed sex shops to purchase them, penetration and cunnilingus etc can be shown on UK TV if it's for educational purposes or part of a film plot etc, penetration and oral sex when shown in education films or part of a film plot is not regarded as means of arousal/ adult sex work material and is not classed as R18 .
PS, i think what i've posted is correct .
Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
16-07-2013 19:35 |