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Dr Who

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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #651
RE: Dr Who
the synopsis of the 50th anniversary episode the day of the doctor

The Doctors embark on their greatest adventure in this 50th Anniversary Special: in 2013, something terrible is awakening in London's National Gallery; in 1562, a murderous plot is afoot in Elizabethan England; and somewhere in space an ancient battle reaches its devastating conclusion. All of reality is at stake as the Doctor's own dangerous past comes back to haunt him.

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
04-11-2013 19:11
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #652
RE: Dr Who

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
07-11-2013 16:12
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #653
RE: Dr Who

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
09-11-2013 16:29
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #654
RE: Dr Who
oh yes!! looking very good indeed is the day of the doctor. will be seeing it at Manchester printworks cinema

the trailer for it above is going to be shown at 8pm on bbc1

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
(This post was last modified: 09-11-2013 18:32 by Rammyrascal.)
09-11-2013 18:27
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SilverStar Offline
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Post: #655
RE: Dr Who

Find this on bbc2 Thursday Nov 14th at 9pm!Cool
09-11-2013 19:52
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #656
RE: Dr Who
the day of the doctor trailer just been on bbc1 and it's a new one. as soon as it's online ill post it

update: here it is Smile

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
(This post was last modified: 09-11-2013 20:28 by Rammyrascal.)
09-11-2013 20:05
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dundeered Offline
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Post: #657
RE: Dr Who
11-11-2013 21:29
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Regenerated Offline
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Post: #658
RE: Dr Who
Interesting you guys talking about Adric and the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) era. This was actually one of my favourite times of the show. I started watching it at first towards the end of Tom Baker's tenure and it carried on through Davison's. He was my doctor. I even went to a Halloween party once in a Fifth Doctor costume - the stripey trousers, the cricket jumper, the coat with the red piping and stick of celery on the lapel... yeah... Big Grin

I've since had the pleasure of watching many classic stories with Third Doctor Jon Pertwee and Second Doctor Patrick Troughton. I've ordered some more classic dvds in time for Xmas - some William Hartnell stories and more Pertwee and Baker stories too. I'm still committed to getting together a collection of all the doctors - for continuity purposes aswell as entertainment.

I agree it started going off the rails with Seventh Doctor McCoy's era. No fault of his really - as bytor says he was just let down by bad choices with script and production. The BBC wanted the franchise binned then - thankfully they didn't get their wish.

I liked the movie with McGann's Eighth Doctor. It was a slight disappointment in the sense that the story was all about him for the American audience, instead of having the doctor appear in the midst of a story and then allowing it to develop. In a way, McGann's era has helped bring about the new series which began in 2005 with Eccleston and so on. Without an Eighth Doctor there would have been no Ninth and so on. So it's nice that he did have a sort of part in bringing about the show's return as we know it today. I would have liked to see McGann and Eccleston return for the 50th - as I suspect the Time War will be a crucial story line in it. If that is the case, the Eighth and Ninth doctors are crucial to that story arc.

Incidentally, the Eighth Doctor's appearances have been far more frequent in other media - audio plays, books, webcasts. The audio plays are really good - any Eighth Doctor fans should check them out. I found this interview with McGann on youtube talking about the 50th anniversary - really nice guy.

13-11-2013 21:22
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M-L-L Offline
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Post: #659
RE: Dr Who
(13-11-2013 21:22 )Regenerated Wrote:  Interesting you guys talking about Adric and the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) era. ... He was my doctor.

Mine was Tom Baker. Followed Davison along, he had good shows; but I really didn't like Colin Baker. I think they were trying to do a William Hartnell "let's make the Doctor grumpy and unlikeable" but what they didn't get was that when William Hartnell was really grumpy and unlikeable in the early days he had a surrogate family around him, always more than one companion and they were supposed to be the sympathetic characters. Doesn't work if you've only got Colin Baker and Peri shouting at each other all the time(however attractive her leotard and shorts combos were).

Truthfully the 10 year old in me never really got over when they changed the title sequence and music in Tom Baker's last season to the spacey starfield with 1980s synth and electric guitar : somehow it just got less unique and spooky. Trying to be modern but just ended up being less distinctive and seeming like they were trying to mimic Buck Rogers and Battlestar Galactica etc. And as a 10 year old I found "Logopolis" etc baffling. The Master reappearing inside a statue on Traken in the story before - brilliant , but then Logopolis comes along and after some spooky TARDIS inside TARDIS stuff what was all the pseudo computer techno babble about ? It was hard going first time around. At that age we still wanted the scary monster costumes, which in fairness they were obviously trying to get away from : the show did look creaky and Tom Baker was going overboard with the comedy before that ; and JNT made it slicker and more serious again in the early 80s. But there seemed to be a lack of iconic new villains, the Master was over-used, it stopped being a "monster" show : they didn't really create any really memorable ones in that era, and it didn't always work when they tried to bring back old ones (Warriors of the Deep - oh dear).

But the new series showed if you do the monsters properly - Cybermen etc - then the kids will lap it up and even men in costumes can still work if the design and presentation of it is done with conviction.

Agree about McGann - think he had a lot more promise than the TV movie let him deliver.

Kind of dreading them going into the whole Time War thing in the 50th - hope they have the sense to leave some of it mysterious. What was so great about the return with Eccleston was the way he appeared without explanations and back story and with no regeneration scene and they way they slowly hinted at stuff : what's unsaid can always be imagined as so much better than what they show. They should learn from George Lucas's mistakes (Clone Wars anyone?)
13-11-2013 22:00
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #660
RE: Dr Who
(13-11-2013 21:22 )Regenerated Wrote:  I've since had the pleasure of watching many classic stories with Third Doctor Jon Pertwee and Second Doctor Patrick Troughton. I've ordered some more classic dvds in time for Xmas - some William Hartnell stories and more Pertwee and Baker stories too. I'm still committed to getting together a collection of all the doctors - for continuity purposes aswell as entertainment.
Some good bargain prices out there recently Cool I admit my collection had expanded enormously this year.

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
14-11-2013 07:49
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