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Elite TV / Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion

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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #10631
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
(22-01-2014 10:15 )bunnybc Wrote:  Rammy do you ever read back your own posts and say 'yep, that's a true and fair reflection'?

yes I do look back at what I say on the forum and pretty much always stand by what ive said and don't see any reason to change my opinion and so far I stand by what ive said about s66 last night and wont be changing my opinion

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
22-01-2014 11:11
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Post: #10632
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
(22-01-2014 11:11 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  
(22-01-2014 10:15 )bunnybc Wrote:  Rammy do you ever read back your own posts and say 'yep, that's a true and fair reflection'?

yes I do look back at what I say on the forum and pretty much always stand by what ive said and don't see any reason to change my opinion and so far I stand by what ive said about s66 last night and wont be changing my opinion
22-01-2014 17:19
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #10633
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
How anybody can defend that shower of shit from last night is beyond me. For starters Studio66 need to give Mica Martinez the boot. She's what I would describe as a money grabbing mercenary. She puts absolutely no effort or energy into her performances anymore. Fair enough if last night was just a one off for her but she's become consistently bad. Before anybody spouts any bullshit about how she must be bringing in the calls well from what I seen she spent the majority of last night shaking her phone Cool

Babes such as Jennifer Jade, Caty Cole, Lily Roma and Ella Mai are the ones that are doing the business. Studio66 need more of these sorts and less of the deadwood such as Mica, Hannah and Ashley who are constantly bringing the channel down all the time into the depths of mediocrity Important
22-01-2014 17:45
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Snooks Away
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Post: #10634
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
S66 was utterly atrocious last night imo but then again the other channels were just as bad.
It almost felt like a competition to see which channel could bore me to sleep the quickest and they all won Rolleyes laugh. I am afraid I feel some of the S66 babes need to mix up their outfit choices and set choices more.
If they are not willing to do at least that I would suggest a change of channel and working environment would be beneficial for them. It has become too predictable to see certain babes doing the same old thing in the same boring outfits and sets over and over again.
Too many times I am greeted with a babe just lying or sitting on a bed or a desk or a sofa or such like and I want to see some movement and some standing poses.
What I am seeing at the moment on S66 nightshows is deeply unimaginative and uninspiring and even though the other channels are not exactly climbing up any trees either this is no excuse.
The Cara Brett naughty hour the other night trumped any S66 nightshow proper of 2014 imo.

(This post was last modified: 22-01-2014 19:10 by Snooks.)
22-01-2014 19:08
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darren73 Online
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Post: #10635
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
I was watching last night the only reason i stayed up last night was to do some vid's or i would of been in bed the show's were boring babes talking more to the crew then to people on the phone needed more babes you can't run a show on just 4 babes just in case one does not show up the break situation was a joke and babes doing too long sections without a break that means they get tired and lazy and finally what's with these part time shift's the babes are doing if all the babes were in last night i would of left one babe over three channels after 03.30 it's either poor management or poor producing

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22-01-2014 19:42
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Sm© Away

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Post: #10636
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
(22-01-2014 11:11 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  yes I do look back at what I say on the forum and pretty much always stand by what ive said and don't see any reason to change my opinion

Your opinions have been retconed more times than the D.C. Multiverse Wink
Things that really used to rile you when they happened on BS suddenly became acceptable when Elite copied/started doing them...
BS girls had to be topless after 10 because that was a minimum requirement for a NightShow. Elite girls stay covered after 10 and the "There is no rule saying night girls should be topless" came into effect.
The OSG's on BS were huge and the boxes down the side of the screen were a disgrace. Elite start doing the exact same, "I've learned to live with it"

Big Grin
22-01-2014 19:52
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jimmyt73 Offline
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Post: #10637
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
I think the main issue with this channel is a lack of proper nightshow babes and the over emphasis and creation of the tease shows,ok i accept it might be some people's cup of tea but so far none of the babes have appeared on a full nightshow,so you end up with a situation where day babes are taking too much time out of the nightshow which in turn takes money and screen time away from the proper nightbabes some of whom have babies to deal with in the daytime or have taken day jobs to make up for the fact their hours have been reduced as someone posted recently photo shoots are not as common as they used to be,also think they will never be able to get 8 channels running if their attempt at running five is anything to go by.

im always open to positive change
(This post was last modified: 22-01-2014 19:57 by jimmyt73.)
22-01-2014 19:53
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saviour123 Offline
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Post: #10638
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
He he.... I see it differently Jimmy.... I think that they are training up Danielle Anderson, Cara Brett, Tashie Jackson and Emma C to be full Night time Babes..... What a night that would beSmile

Maybe wishful thinking.... but you can dream..... Mind you, happened to Hannah Martin, so you never know....

If this actually happened, then I think they would have an unbeatable line up!
(This post was last modified: 22-01-2014 20:23 by saviour123.)
22-01-2014 20:18
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darren73 Online
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Post: #10639
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
(22-01-2014 20:18 )saviour123 Wrote:  He he.... I see it differently Jimmy.... I think that they are training up Danielle Anderson, Cara Brett and Emma C to be full Night time Babes..... What a night that would beSmile

i afraid none of those babes would do full night show's they need to get babes how want to work and not chat to the crew or nearly fall a sleep on the bed

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22-01-2014 20:22
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #10640
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
the only things for me that need sorting out asap at s66 to give it a boost is the roster (especially on nights) at the moment the roster is not really big enough for the number of channels they have now (5 channels including goldengirls) and they need to bring in new faces so they can have more than enough babes on each night to cope with anything unexpected (like last night when a babe didn't show up). they have brought in 3 new babes recently (jess west, mollie lloyd and Jennifer keelings) and hopefully more will come in, will accept that some s66 babes maybe do need to move on and have time on other channels, will agree about mica and ashley being suggested about moving on but not Hannah Martin as for me she is one of s66's best nightbabes and one of the best babes on all the channels that does days and nights

the other is sets. we've seen the dramatic improvement that babestation had when it moved to it's new sets and studios and the same could happen to s66 if they moved to new studios and sets. at the very least give the sets they do have an overhaul

jimmyt73 really disagree with what your saying about s66 over emphasising and the creation of the tease shows. as ive said before they don't take up a lot of time out of the night show. s66 does 40 hours of nightshow output a night (counting goldengirls) and the tease show at most is on for 3 hours (if it is Danielle Anderson), most of the time though it is just 1 or 2 hours leaving about 37-39 hours a night for the usual s66 nightshow (including goldengirls) when there is a tease show on

smc fair enough you think my opinions have been "retconed" but what hasn't been retconed is your constant little digs and goes at s66/elite and me where you constantly say im an s66/elite fan boy with an anti bs agenda. ive given bs a good amount of praise recently so keep insisting that im against bs is pointless and a waste of time

agree saviour you never know, the likes of Danielle Anderson could do proper nightshows in the future. as you say Hannah martin did tease shows for ages and now she does really good nightshows

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
(This post was last modified: 22-01-2014 20:32 by Rammyrascal.)
22-01-2014 20:27
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