You know I am really surprised she managed to get a job on there as she has no tattoo's, piercings, hundreds of pounds of silicone, lip implants and plastic surgery which seems to be what they like to hire on these channels.
Why is that? What is the guys who run these channels obsession with plastic unnatural women and tattoo's and piercings?
I know she may not be to everyone's liking, but hey each to their own and she does have an amazing bod. She use to appear in a few of the adult channels as over 40+ etc.
(18-03-2011 21:19 )dye_em_black Wrote: This may be a complete shot in the dark but i'm looking for info on a girl who used to appear on one of the channels about 6 or 7 years ago. Not sure if it was BS or whatever coz the name changes down the years have fogged my poor old mind.
Her name was Charley (correct spelling?) but I forget her surname. Might have begun with a D ? Natural girl, quite tall and really good fun. Seemed to be popular and regular for a couple of years (?) then vanished. Did some good 2 girl stuff back in the days when 2 babes would read out the viewer requests.
Any ideas
I came on here looking for a specific girl and I think it might be the same one you are looking for. She was never on the main, lower-900, channels - always around 960. Charley rings a bell but I think this might be because she looked quite similar to Charley O'Neal - similar hair and body type.
I wish I could find her as she was absolutely perfect. I shall keep scouring the forum until I find her!
20-02-2014 18:40
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^^^No, not her. I wish I had more details or even a screengrab but I had no idea I'd be looking for her on a messageboard years later! She had very similar coloured hair to Charley O'Neal and a similar style (quite long and wavy), small pert breasts... and the only other thing I can remember is she would generally be naked but with a small white lace-style sheet covering her lower half.
This is maybe going back 5 or 6 years. She had a brief reappearance for a couple of nights 2 or so years back then disappeared again forever
20-02-2014 18:53
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