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CM Punk finally talks!

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Warwick Hunt Offline
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CM Punk finally talks!
I'm surprised I don't see this mentioned, but it's huge and should have a thread to itself.

CM Punk at long last broke his silence on his departure from WWE back in January on his friend Colt Cabana's "Art of Wrestling" podcast:

Yeah, I'd have walked too. The man was KILLING HIMSELF for that company - The staph infection stuff is damning, as is Ryback's carelessness, HHH generally being a dick and Vince basically screwing him over - and got so little in return. He sounds like WWE basically killed his passion for wrestling, and to be honest, it was showing towards the end.
29-11-2014 14:42
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Robot Devil Offline
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Post: #2
RE: CM Punk finally talks!
....That is IF he's telling the exact truth. Pro wrestlers have long been known to exaggerate or fabricate things. I'm sure some of what he said is true though.

29-11-2014 14:51
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #3
RE: CM Punk finally talks!
Ryback was picked out as Vince's star turn from Nexus even though the rest of us wouldn't have looked at him twice. Punk is a draw, Ryback ain't. Punk has a future in which he can make money in the American media, if he chooses to. Ryback hasn't.

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
29-11-2014 18:02
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sweetsugar007 Offline
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Post: #4
RE: CM Punk finally talks!
Great podcast. I believe everything he said he aint the first superstar to be exploited this way. The difference is this guy has a brain and some principles.

Spiderman,Spiderman,does whatever a Spider can!!!
30-11-2014 10:03
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