The white flag of television nightshow surrender is waving proudly. If there were flags of each of the channels they would all be waving at half mast right now.
The culture of each and every channel has become rotten to the core. Consumed by fear, paranoia, back stabbing, self preservation, incompetence and a complete lack of vision and ambition. The excuses have run out.
The honour of these channels is all but gone.
The trust and faith in what they do and the way they do it has been wounded beyond repair.
Human resource of every kind both in front of and behind the camera has become increasingly programmed to behave a certain way with a few notable 'malfunctioning' exceptions.
Nights of human interaction, body language that oozed pure sex and fearless enjoyment have given way.
Given way to the culture of the Robot.
Preprogrammed predictable movements by almost every babe on every channel on sets that induce nothing but laziness and phone waving.
Phone waving has become the only art that virtually all babes have truly mastered. I have little doubt there is even a specifically recommended technique for phone waving to be as unhorny and unsexual as possible.
The smiles are forced, the eyes are glazed with boredom and fear of when the next cry of 'you can't do that' is uttered from behind the scenes.
From all consuming sense of wonder as to when the next cut to logo will be on S66 to the equal sense of wonder as to the apparently selective dilution of the Babestation Dutch Licence to an extent we never dared imagine in our worst nightmares.
The horror of the lying on a bed and sitting on a desk for hours on end. The regularity of such horror trumped only by the contemptuous attitude of babes and channels alike.
Freeloaders are, apparently the force of evil that prevent some babes wanting to put on a show when in reality these supposed horrible beings are searching for nothing more than value for money when ringing the shows.
A stalemate has emerged between viewer and babe alike.
Babe: Calls merit action (I'm not willing to do anything exciting until there are a billion callers in the queue all of which promise to exhaust the purchases of my wishlist and join my site so I don't have to put up with this TV crap so often if at all)
Viewer: Action merits calls (Give me something worth watching and of course I will call up).
And if I really like what I see I might even join your site.
Now I wonder which of these is the more positive viewpoint

. Oh no silly me, allow me to go and stand in the corner and let Mary Whitehouse give me a piece of her mind.
And now we hear the excuses being made by babes on behalf of channels. The experience of Bandwagon when ringing S66 last night is not a one off. I have myself encountered such nonsense and indeed have endured too many occasions where requests have been declined for reasons either not given or inadequate in nature despite asking very politely.
I now realize that in some cases the babes were probably operating to a culture of self protectionist caution through fear of every move of every babe ready to be pounced on by others all to keen to grass up to the Regulator of doom.
However there have been some occasions where I remain convinced that the babes have declined requests out of sheer bloody mindedness which has at its root the very essence of anti freeloader sentiment I described earlier.
I have never named and shamed. It is not my style and never will be. Apart from anything else I appreciate that too many babes only react to negativity on this forum without ever appreciating the gushing praise that is of the huge and often sycophantic type.
They seek an argument and an excuse to lamely blast those who speak as they find.
Pathetic. I deny them such an opportunity to have their social media followers march sadly to their defence by lampooning the source of unholy criticism

Almost as pathetic indeed as those channels they represent.
Of course there are some exceptions and furthermore they probably know who they are as well

The behaviour of rather too many at these channels has filled me with anger, resignation, despair and horror.
From cameraman to producer. From babe to OFCOM.
The entire House Of Nightshow cards is crashing down to the point where only a select few will still be worth playing.
From Jack of all trades to master of none the nightshow human resource has developed a new concept of card play.
The Spades of shit shovelling to the rare diamonds in amongst Jokers.
But the jokers are not funny anymore.
The hearts are not in it.
The clubs are only of the fanboy variety.
And no shuffling of the deck is going to make things any better.