Now then channels and babes - wakey wakey - snookered is on your case again

Ok ignore me then, but see your fortunes continue to plummet as a result

Have you heard of something called 'Visual Sexual Stimulation'?. No?
Allow me to explain

So get an attractive lady.
Give her an interesting set with some redeeming features.
Advise her to wear an outfit appropriate to the set.
Encourage outfit play.
Encourage slow striptease.
Encourage eventual nudity.
Encourage seductive body language i.e longing lustful gazing into the camera, slow sensual movement of the hands up and down the body with many changes of position and pose.
Bit of POV also to be encouraged.
Encourage use of props where possible.
Then get loads of other attractive ladies and encourage them to do the same.
So why am I saying this to you?
I am saying it to you because the shows have become a predictable, mechanical, repetitious process that lack variety, imagination and spontaneity.
I am saying this to you to invite you to turn the shows into an embracing, sexually enticing and stimulating experience that provides a feast to the eyes, invites jaws to hit floors, mere viewers to become callers and cynics to believe once again that the nightshow product is not a dying duck.
To turn the nightshows from a process into an experience - this should be your collective goal.
All of you need to work together to make it happen.
You want a positive vision for the future - well here is mine.
If nightshows are there to encourage sex chat then provide us with the sexually appealing visual product to inspire engagement with it.
If you really care, if any of you really GENUINELY care then you would do well to follow my advice.
I speak as a long standing viewer and caller whose interest in both respects is dwindling more and more by the day.
So no point then in fobbing me off as just another sad forum c#nt, or freeloader or professional whinge merchant.
No point. And why?
Because I am not the one who looks foolish every night of the week like most of you do.
I can take professional criticism in my job with good grace.
Can you?
Do you?
Will you?
I care about what I do and don't pay lip service to those I serve.
Can you?
Do you?
Will you?
Think hard before you answer.
Take a long hard look in the mirror and if you have anything about you it should become obvious that too many of you are getting it all very badly wrong.
If and when that day of realization ever comes then ring up directory enquiries and ask for the nearest flying pigs agency won't you

