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Asian Babes - Chat & Discussion

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retah-rotaredom Offline

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Post: #81
RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids

Couldn't agree with you more, wim. Superb post. I too have noticed the tease hour 2100-2200 especially slot has been watered down. Amy's performances had been the highlight of all Babeshows until very recently. As you say superb teasing and tension-building topped off by a climactic and judicious payoff shot.

...the bootyeater
05-07-2015 07:59
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wim Offline
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Post: #82
RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids
Update - Sara popped numerous unintentional (?) nip slips during day show around 9 AM. Thank goodness for Sara; she is one of the best and most lovely. Smile
05-07-2015 08:25
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wim Offline
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Post: #83
RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids
(05-07-2015 07:59 )retah-rotaredom Wrote:  ^

Couldn't agree with you more, wim. Superb post. I too have noticed the tease hour 2100-2200 especially slot has been watered down. Amy's performances had been the highlight of all Babeshows until very recently. As you say superb teasing and tension-building topped off by a climactic and judicious payoff shot.

Thanks, Retah! Exactly right about Amy. It's shameful the way they shut down her amazing performances. She seems to be stuck on the daytime shift now and they have her strapped in tight. Sigh.
05-07-2015 21:01
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circles_o_o_o Offline

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Post: #84
RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids
05 Jul - Amy & Nadia :

Clip from afternoon :

Clip from tease :

Longer video from tease hour :!TZtHUTYA!4MXorqJ8IR8wz...w_ECQUomEQ

(54 min/300MB)
05-07-2015 21:31
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bobbiekla Offline
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Post: #85
RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids
Fuck me Amy is hot!! Is she a ladyboy?

06-07-2015 01:52
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wim Offline
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Post: #86
RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids
Hi guys, in case you haven't seen this, there was a great post on BabeTV about a one-off experimental Asian Connections night show that aired on Babestation Blue on November 12–13, 2014 with Sami and Nadia. From the description and the images, you can see how wonderful an Asian Connections night show could be! Here's the link:

Apologies if this has been posted before.
06-07-2015 18:31
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circles_o_o_o Offline

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Post: #87
RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids
10 Jul - Nadia & Lisa :

[Image: image-1D20_55A03864.jpg]
[Image: image-9927_55A03864.jpg]

Video :!KMdFlRAb!45JUuAQ1DFzfy...Tmo1lh-fhM

(47 min/256 MB)
10-07-2015 21:29
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wim Offline
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Post: #88
RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids
A Farewell to Asian Connection Spicy (?)

Hi all, I know I write impossibly long posts, but I hope you will humour me for some final musings about Asian Connections!

I have advocated passionately for nightshow content for Asian Connections/Thai Chat (AC/TC) in this forum because I believe this is a win-win-win for producers (more revenue), girls (hopefully more pay/commission), and customers (a better, more exciting show with more incentive to call). The AC spicy show has been a very pleasant diversion for me in the last year or two; it has brought a lot of joy to my late nights and early, early mornings. But after suffering through the last few weeks of Tease Hour and allegedly spicy 4 AM shows, I have to conclude sadly that spicy visual content appears to be dead. Tease hour used to have nip slips and lots of energy, but it has become little more than the final hour of the low-energy dayshow. The 4:00 AM show, which has often been very adventurous with lots of flashes and sexual behavior, doesn’t even offer nip flashes anymore, much less the mind-blowing, boundary-pushing shows that girls like Ali and Amy did. Plus, the 4AM show has now been cut back from 90 to 60 minutes – just after 5:00, the girls are told to put more clothes on. The whole operation has been sanitized from top to bottom. It would be easy to say that this is yet another temporary crackdown and that the spicy content will gradually return, but there is a different feel about this one: the leash has never been so short, the change never so swift and drastic, and there is an air of finality about it. I hope that I am wrong.

If there were such a thing as a business model written to ensure failure, AC would be the seminal case study. As I’ve pointed out before, not broadcasting in prime time (after 22:00), putting the spicy show at 4 AM, and allowing the web stream to go down for days or weeks at a time are not very good ways to attract and keep customers. The only way this makes sense at all is if the channel is going to be a non-adult content chat show. But the fact that the producers have always found it necessary to pair the daytime chat with some kind of “Naughty Hour” or “Spicy Show” surely indicates that a daytime-only channel cannot expect to survive in a babe channel landscape. This makes it doubly puzzling why the producers would choose to dumb down and even eliminate the content that gives the channel the best chance to make money. I also don’t believe anyone promotes or advertises the channel in any meaningful way. How does the channel attract new customers, beyond those who happen upon it by chance as I did? The Thai Chat web site has been defunct for some time now, meaning that customers and potential customers have no way of learning anything about the channel, and thus there is no opportunity for generating revenue for the show from VIP customers or just generating interest. Nor do the producers bother to provide information on any forum (this one, or the one at Rampant, etc.). Years ago, a producer interacted with members of this forum, responding to comments and queries, and posting news and photographs. That hasn’t been seen in a long time. Even the little thing of posting a schedule on one of the babe channel portals is too much to ask. You will find detailed schedules for a wide array of television and web shows, but you won’t find AC.

For the most part, I don’t blame the girls for this. Most of them have no qualms about nudity (4 or 5 are holdovers from Thai Hardcore [THC]), and others like Sara and Nancy seem fine with flashing their breasts. They know very well that the more they show, the more calls they get. They don’t seem very happy with the constant interventions of the producers telling them to cover up, as can be seen from the unhappy looks they shoot back at producers after having been scolded like naughty children. It can’t be fun to tell callers you are not allowed to do the exact thing you were allowed to do two weeks ago. It has been painful to watch a performer like Sami, who has no reservations about nudity, look so bored and unhappy at not being able to do anything suggestive; she really looked like she didn’t know what to do. And Amy, who returned to AC absolutely on fire with some of the best and most erotic shows seen on this incarnation of AC, now smiles and tries to act sexy but really doesn’t move a lot or do much. It is a shame to see someone with that much joy in performance and enormous sexual energy suppressed so completely. Last week, you could see Nancy having a conversation with an off-screen producer about the ground rules; she too has been stymied from her fantastic slow-burn sexuality. The producers have inserted themselves so blatantly into the flow of the programme that it really kills the mood when girls are constantly glancing over at a producer rather than looking into the camera and focusing on the caller. Attempts by girls to show their bodies are guarded and half-hearted – they obviously are worried about crossing lines. The other night, Cherry almost jumped out of her clothes in a panic when Sara dared to show her panties from the back on the Tease Hour (I mean, really??). The repression has made them passive and they are spending most of their time just sitting on the couch waiting for a call.

The whole reason I became a fan of AC is that one night, completely by accident, I happened upon that little charmer Ali doing the 4 AM show, hopping around, playing with her breasts and exposing them all over the place. I was mesmerized. It was different, playful, and erotic. The exasperating thing about the current situation is that the producers have the formula for success in their hands, and they have in fact implemented it at times over the last year. The occasional topless nightshow, such as the one that aired on Babestation Blue last November with Sami and Nadia, combined with the tease and payoff flashes of the 4 AM show, best exemplified by the amazing performances of Ali and Amy recently, show the way to what would be a very successful nightshow. So much about the channel is in very good shape: the girls are gorgeous, the set is intimate and homey, and the format of two girls on a big couch is excellent, giving an intimate feel to the programme and nice interactions between the girls. Now what the producers need to do is simply make a commitment to a nightshow of some kind and carve out a space for it in the schedule. The logistics of it are very simple. The show would be broadcast during nightshow hours, and separated entirely from the dayshow. Instead of the constant confusion about what the girls are allowed to do this week and not allowed to do next week, Ofcom rules would set the limits of the nightshow. Nothing else need change! I proposed to the Babestation staff a few options. Besides simply starting a nightshow running from 22:00 to 5:00, there are other cost-conscious options such as a two-hour topless/flash nightshow that could follow the Tease Hour (which teases us for what? Shutdown?) from 22:00 to midnight, followed by signoff and dayshow signing on at 6:00. This would not increase the total broadcast hours. There are many ways to do this, but someone with business sense is going to have to make it happen.

Another point I want to make is that I care about the girls and their welfare. Although I have no delusions that their relationship to us is more than selling a fantasy, they are fellow human beings with family and friends who love them. They deserve our respect and the respect of their producers. The gift they give us – their bodies – is a very personal one and I try to keep that firmly in mind as I watch/call. They deserve good pay and a safe, happy work environment. One of the things I find so appealing about AC is the intimate, almost family, atmosphere. It is a small group of girls, many of whom have worked together for years. They seem to really like working together, and they create a very positive vibe that unfortunately is eroded by the producers’ interventions and all these restrictions. I want to send a big thank you to all of the gorgeous AC girls for bringing us such pleasure, and especially my favourites Ali, Amy, Sara, Cherry, Nancy, and Lisa. There have been many memorable moments over the last couple of years. Let me mention one of my favourites: one night on the 4AM broadcast Ali casually pulled aside her panties part-way to reveal a thick shock of dark pubic hair, which she then proceeded to stroke for a while. A classic Ali moment: unpredictable, boundary-pushing, erotic. To my eye, Ali is the gold standard, in terms of both beauty and performance.

The changes leave me a little sad – it’s sort of like your girlfriend telling you she just wants to be friends. It has taken a lot to drive me away from AC, but I have stopped watching except for a brief check on the weekend. I am not interested in getting up in the wee hours for essentially daytime chat. But I am an optimistic sort. I will be relocating soon to the States, where I will have my phone and wallet ready if AC ever offers us nightshow content again. I would love to find out that the producers have this in the works in some form – I would be the first to say I didn’t give them enough credit. Perhaps if others contacted them ( to register their views it would help. Who knows?

Well, thanks for putting up with me! It has been fun posting here, and I hope there will be a reason to post again down the line. Cheers to all! -- Wim
19-07-2015 05:23
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Koratian1 Offline
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Post: #89
RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids
Interesting post wim.

Who knows why the format of the show has changed but I doubt very much that it is a whim on the part of the producers.

Maybe Oftel have warned them that they were overstepping the mark or maybe more ominously they have upset the local Thai authorities.

I wouldn't worry about the welfare of the girls they earn a very good wage by Thai standards and most of them have sponsors to help them get byTongue
20-07-2015 05:00
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wim Offline
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Post: #90
RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids
(20-07-2015 05:00 )Koratian1 Wrote:  Interesting post wim.

Who knows why the format of the show has changed but I doubt very much that it is a whim on the part of the producers.

Maybe Oftel have warned them that they were overstepping the mark or maybe more ominously they have upset the local Thai authorities.

I wouldn't worry about the welfare of the girls they earn a very good wage by Thai standards and most of them have sponsors to help them get byTongue

Thanks, Koratian! I wouldn't think it has to do with Ofcom since the content really doesn't push their boundaries. But you may be right about the Thai authorities - that would be the wildcard. Perhaps the producers have them looking over their shoulders. Weird that Thai Hardcore and other nightshow versions of AC were able to last so long, but those kinds of crackdowns can be quite arbitrary. Cheers!
20-07-2015 18:03
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