The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: BabestationX & Live Shows - Chat & Discussion
Well I seem to remember there was a mug heavily featured in a bsx session a while back, but now the mug is me for tuning in again - fidgety after having vowed to give it up and then immediately missing Beth's recent appearances.
Nothing against Aruba, but she isn't really my type ......and Maddie...well. Frustrating again.
However if it comes down to it - even against my own moaning on the subject - it's a bit of a double-edged sword and I guess on balance for me it's better to have the likes of Maddie appearing on bsx even if the performances are not "fully uncensored" than not have her at all; esp. when you consider there are apparently so few babes willing to appear.
I'd rather see the likes of her and some other nightshow regulars willing to go a bit further than some of the other "porn stars" I'm not really that bothered about. But the producers don't seem to have the balance right imo ? If you're going to put on nightshow regulars you KNOW from experience are of the self-censoring variety, make sure you have a balance of those that "will" and those that "won't" ?
Too many shows I've seen in recent months have been multiple solo sessions of babes also appearing on the regular channels during that same night - which of itself isn't necessarily a bad thing imo - but the problem being they have all been ones that "won't"? Mix it up at least.
(Was it me or was there no 2:30 live show last night ? I know they sometimes they run late but I think there was a Preeti re-run that went on til 3am)
16-08-2015 14:06 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: BabestationX & Live Shows - Chat & Discussion
^ yes, I'm still going through caps I took of the 1:30am show and I have to admit I was harsh in my comment posted elsewhere before this show actually started; she wasn't guilty of persistent handthong all the way through it.
OK there's not the same "close up and personal" views that Aruba or the likes of Leigh or Beth etc display, but when you make allowance for that and know not to expect it, then it was a reasonable showing.
I think you can have different babes doing different levels of show..the problem imo is if all of the shows on any given evening are this lower level and are blatantly misadvertised.
16-08-2015 19:42 |