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Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)

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circles_o_o_o Offline

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Post: #211
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
So what about Jenna's arse in those tights tonight?

She's "gotta whole lotta ass to chew on" as she says herself.

Someone said to her, I don't remember you having that before, which she quickly laughed off. And then the other reality girl got flustered when they asked her how real her's was.
Maybe they can engineer some kind of twerking shopping task so they can fight it out. Tongue
31-08-2015 23:09
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setter1000 Offline
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Post: #212
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
Could see the Americans being a pain in the arse a mile off. I always thought to win arguments you have to out debate them which can only arise by listening to the person you argue with. In America apparently you can win arguments by shouting down the person you are in conflict with. It really is something when even a gobby scouser is to stunned to speak as a result of the Americans antics!!!!!!!!!!!
01-09-2015 12:21
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #213
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
Does anyone else cringe at Steve Ritchie.
That fat stomach hanging over those very tight speedos. shocked
And when he starts getting intimate with Chloe I feel sick.

And it got worse when Bobby Davro got into his speedos
01-09-2015 20:27
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setter1000 Offline
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Post: #214
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
I know what you mean. He is certainly cringemaking. Why are so many of them wearing skimpy speedos? I thought they went out of fashion, I suppose it does the rounds like all things do in fashion.
01-09-2015 20:50
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #215
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
Last night Paul Burrell said to Jenna Jameson " I've been a big fan of yours for years".
Which translates to..... Big Grin
03-09-2015 07:33
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setter1000 Offline
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Post: #216
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
(03-09-2015 07:33 )Charlemagne Wrote:  Last night Paul Burrell said to Jenna Jameson " I've been a big fan of yours for years".
Which translates to..... Big Grin

Him confusing her for the great ex decathlete Bruce Jenner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once he asks her what is it like being with the Kardashians than we really will know what he meantSmile
He is vey sleazy isn't he? The Americans are not fooled by him at all. They seem to think he is even more treacherous than we think he is.
It just shows how everything in that show is in the editing. I thought Daniel Baldwin has been pretty much a mild keep himself to himself character on the show
But according to the contestants he has been loud and has not stopped talking. Go figureHuh
03-09-2015 10:57
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wackawoo Offline

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Post: #217
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
Not entirely sure why all the hate over Burrel. Yes he has that subservient creepy demeanour but that's his job.

Who actually knows anything about him? All I hear was he was some whistle blower on the royal family, which is ironic to the point of hypocrisy, he wrote his books when the royals where at an all time low.

Has for what he said about them, does anybody know what was so terrible? Far as I'm concerned he was shat on by the royals as soon as Dianna died and dumped after over 2 decades of total service; so what if he got a few bob from his memoirs, I don't remember any earth shattering monarchy ending information coming from him.

Ironically peoples attitude towards him seems to have made people forget how much they hated the Royals after Diana's death.

In the house he really is trying his hardest with the americans. They are hateful people who certianly think they are superior, think that no one can say anything to them and talk down to them (they obviously think the Brits are there to serve them). This is really ironic because to ones that are worse are prostitutes and known for being fucked up their arsewholes on the internet.

And if that woman who is only known for being fucked up her arsehole and getting pregnant underaged, crys rape one more time and looks down at someones hand when they touch her as if it's the greatest of assults I will bite the head off every jelly baby I have in a tantrum and not eat the rest.
03-09-2015 12:02
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #218
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
(03-09-2015 07:33 )Charlemagne Wrote:  Last night Paul Burrell said to Jenna Jameson " I've been a big fan of yours for years".
Which translates to..... Big Grin
It would be a lot worse if she'd said that to him eek

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
03-09-2015 12:52
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setter1000 Offline
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Post: #219
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
1 I in regard to Paul I personally think there is a difference between having a servile manner and a creepy manipulative one. Everything he does seems to come across as being forced, contrived And underhanded. As regards his book I just think some things should stay in house hence why most jobs require you to sign a confidentiality agreement. His job was a position of trust. But I understand your point. If ferguson was allowed to do it at united, woods ex coach allowed to write a memoir of working with him than why should Burrell not be allowed to do it.
As regards the royal family, I think the country reaction to her death was OTT at best. They had a march campaigning against land mines in Diana's honour a year after her death. As a response to the public's reaction over her death they were expecting 30000 people to turn up they got 300. Says it all really

2 the Americans are nauseating no doubt about that. To be honest I don't think anyone is surprised. Thought they made a big mistake going down that USA v UK theme. Always trouble when you have yanks on. They always take things far to personally. Farrah is what is called a jap. Jewish American princess. Her arrogance and rudeness is a disgrace. Ask anyone who has worked at camp America and they will tell you her behaviour is quite typical of her ilk. That is Jewish American princesses rather than Jews.

3 that Cloe Jazmine what a bitch shit stirring between Baldwin and Janice. I hate snitches. When I was at school you would inflict retribution on them rather than the person they are snitching on. Society has changed over the years that is for sure.
Still give it one though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2015 13:10 by setter1000.)
03-09-2015 13:04
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wackawoo Offline

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Post: #220
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
Quote:I just think some things should stay in house hence why most jobs require you to sign a confidentiality agreement. His job was a position of trust.

Thats the point, he would and probably still is bound by these, if he wrote anyhting that bad he would be in prison or a greater court case, remeber spy catcher?
04-09-2015 00:25
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