RE: [split] Paris attacks
For the record mr settler, 2 or 3 of the bans were merely auto bans when the likes of you and your cronies made a connection; nothing more than that.
Yummyyaz, that account got stop over nothing much more (the root of it) than my questioning whether someone posting as a woman was a women. Blimey did that send a lot hysterical, maybe they all thought they had a chance or something becasue it was a 'gurl'. I think it was someone from Brazil, they way they wrote to me seemed a little suspect to me, course one thing then leads to another, like this is no longer about isis not being representative of all of islam. I was very new to computers and forums back then, so what was nothing more than query to me was the worlds end to others.
I remember one starting over, believe it or not, bet lynch in celebrity big brother and around the same time a model that had a wish list on amazon, she was also in celeb big brother; both of these got massive hate, in my opnion for the most part unjust (especially the model that was just nasty); I put my point across, the usual happaned.
The worse incident and the one I assume I got the hate was a comment I made on the liverpool thread that was taken massively out of context, my original comment naturally removed, the cronies creamed themselves over that one, escalated, manipulated job done.
That's pretty much it, can't think of any others.
So mostly the root cause of these bans were really next to nothing it was just the ganging up and attacks that escalated. I assume because it was several different memembers on to one and that one trying to respond to them all the logic must be, it must be that one whose the cause of the trouble and therefore ban them.
Back then there was some cliques and gangs; I rememebr a tsrugi or something like that and others that seemed to think they were the in crowd, later on there was a shady (who had a massive problem with the model above) and a digital dave, may be you was part of them I don't rememebr the name though. But they tended to gang up, and i wasn't the only one they did this too; most of that ilk don't seem to be about any more, but I see the occasional name from time to time. And funnily enouhg, everything was running quite smoothly until you yourself adopted the same mo as they did.
Of the mods over the years, that I can remember, skateguy, skully and terence were always fair and balance, but there seemed to be a rouge mod somewhere, never manage to track them down (nearly did) that took sides, I knew this becasue as your link above suggest, ordinary members of the forum had had information that only mods could have, that also seems to have settled down.
In short, virtually all of the bans I have had have been over really nothng at all, silly little unimportant points of view that escalated. If you actually look at most of the post I make they attempt to be with humour and tounge in cheek, I assume this type of humour can be taken wrongly. A recent flippant example being, 'pffft amatures' in the kelly/rammy spat, that COULD have been taken wrong.
As for troll accusations, this always use to puzzle me, but having seen it used very frequently elsewhere, youtube etc, it's clearly something young people use when they can't tollerate others having different viewpoint to themselves.
Ofcourse the alternative would be just to lurk and contribute nothing to this forum, just let poeple like you have all your own way without challanging it any of your opnions and predjudice.