Forum Awards 2015 - Submit Your Nominations
Nominations - Guidelines & Rules
■ You can make as many or as few nominations per category as you wish.
■ Please submit your nominations for the categories listed below,
via PM (Private Message) to me,
Forum Awards.
■ Should you prefer to submit them gradually rather than in one go, nominations can be sent in one or more PMs.
■ Please make your PM clear & simple - list the category number & name and then state your nominations. If you're voting for a thread or a post, please also include a link and post number.
■ You can submit nominations for all of the categories, or just some of them if you prefer.
■ You're free to interpret the award categories as you wish. Guidelines are provided for some of the awards. Please feel free to post in this thread
or send me a PM, should you have any questions.
■ Please note that only active members, or posts or threads that are present on the forum can be nominated.
■ Remember, you can only nominate if your forum account was created before this thread was created.
Award Categories
1. Poster Of The Year
Note - this award is not for recognition of members' video, cap or picture contributions, but for those whose written posts you believe to be the best.
2. Thread of the Year
Please submit the exact name of each thread you're nominating, as well as a link to it, if you know how to do this.
3. Best Video Poster
4. Best Cap Poster
This award is for recognition of those members who predominately post caps only.
5. Most Devoted Fanboy
6. Forum's Unsung Hero
Who contributes a lot to the forum without getting much recognition.
7. Best Avatar
In addition to the name of the member please also briefly describe the avatar image - in case the member should change their avatar.
8. Funniest Poster
9. Best Picture Poster
This award is for photos posted - not caps.
10. Best Video Of The Year
This award is for the best video, posted on the forum in 2015. For each nomination, please submit the name of the member who posted it, and the exact thread name and post number. If you know how to, please include a link to the specific post.
11. Best Cap or Cap Set Of The Year
This award is for the best cap or set of caps, posted on the forum in 2015. For each nomination, please submit the name of the member who posted it, and the exact thread name and post number. If you know how to, please include a link to the specific post.
12. Best Non-Babe Poster
Who makes the best posts unrelated to babes or the babe channels.