Ok after a lot of careful thought with relation to nightshows only I offer these thoughts.
Ok so to get the OBVIOUS bug bears out of the way first
. Is it a double babe stint? If so instant channel change.
Is the stint on a bed set? If so there is a 90% chance I will switch over.
Assuming both these hurdles are successfully cleared
I then look at the outfit. Does it suit the on screen babe? If not its an automatic switch off. If yes then I decide whether the outfit is in any way relevant to the set. If not then I am more often than not likely to switch off. There have been some exceptions to this down the years however.
If I feel the outfit is enticing and relevant to the set I then decide whether the body language is sufficiently sexually stimulating.
Use of eyes, outfit play, hands and props. Range of position and pose are all important.
If all of this is in order then I have a decision to make.
Is what I see good enough to merit me calling?
This often depends on what chance I think there is of the babe stripping off to full nudity. If I think it is possible I will call.
If not then generally speaking I won't.
If I am not sure I hold fire until I make up my mind.
Usually if I am undecided after a period of time I decide not to call. There was a time when my call discipline was worse than now and my phone bills suffered as a result.
There is one other crucial factor that will decide whether I watch or call a babe. Perception of attitude based on previous call experience.
Regrettably there are a few babes whose attitude I have very little time or respect for on the basis of poor experiences with them on the phone. I am the most easy going and pleasant chap imaginable on the phone with impeccable manners.
I have been complimented on this while on the phone a number of times. I believe setting the right tone at the start and end of calls leaves a positive vibe behind and my general call experience has backed this theory up.
But as I say a few babes have left me feeling extremely disappointed in their attitude generally. One in particular who is very popular on here left me seething with anger.
Not a state I get into very often at all.
They will forever remain nameless as it is not my style to name and shame. I have called the best part of 200 babes across daytime and nights over the years.
The bad call experiences have ALL been on nights.
Make of that what you will.