Ahem ahem........(snookered clears his metaphorical posting throat) If I may boldly intervene.........

The entire culture of S66 is at fault.
It is about a lot more than just shifting out a few babes and bringing a few in.
The babes already at the disposal of S66 have not been used effectively either in terms of set allocation or in terms of who gets to go solo. The emphasis for me should have been on giving the babes already there a better chance to put on a visually stimulating show as the main method of enticing calls.
The nightshow babes have needed freedom to move around and change position and pose. Freedom to complete erotic, slow and sensual stripteases in various poses and sets.
But this freedom of expression has been denied far too much of the time. The same old tired performances and outfits, sets and cutting to logos have been seen too many times.
Then of course we have to factor in the endless plethora of double babe stints with no sexually stimulating interaction.
Peckingorderitis has taken over where only certain babes get the luxury of going solo while the rest make do.
Double babe stints restrict babe freedom even further.
Less room to move, less chance of nudity, less stimulation.
S66 being down to two channels aside from the Cougars channel does not help matters in this regard.
It strikes me S66 are only concerned about screwing as much money out of as many suckers as possible while spending as little time, money, effort, thought and resource on nightshows as they can get away with.
They may as well split 8 babes across two channels and arm them all with a phone each. Plonk 4 babes on one bed and 4 babes on another.
Sell all furniture, props, lights. Sell everything bar two bed sets.
Save electricity by putting on a torch in each set or maybe light a few candles.
After all the money will be needed for the next Christmas party won't it? I notice Jamie was all too quick to blabber on about that bloody party both before and after the event on Twitter

Tell you what S66. Why don't you let all the babes go and replace them with cardboard cut outs instead.
Save even more money

Plonk em all lying flat on their back for a few hours on a bed before flipping them over half way through.
I'm sure they would look right at home

Added bonus.
Cardboard cut outs don't have feelings like babes do. Cardboard cut outs don't care.
Just like you S66. You don't care either.
Not about quality of show anyway.
So Merry Bah Humbugging Christmas to you all.
I'm off to plug a few pics and vids of some cardboard cut outs.
Boo bloody hoo.