The year of the double babe stint
. (all channels)
The year of cut to logo
The year of split screenitis
The year of daytime extra in nightshow hours
The year where airtime allocation balanced out
The year where solo airtime allocation didn't
The year when RLC on telly disappeared
(RLC) Hopefully to return soon
The year when Rammy's cold water supply took a fearful battering due to rather too many cold showers in the S66 watchtower
( errrrrr...... S66
The year when snookered started to wonder about the merits of sleeping on the sofa rather than a bed
(sod it I will blame Xpanded for that one as beds are all they have)
The year when Georgie Darby graced our screens again
The year when Sin TV sizzled
(Sin TV)
But then crashed and burned
(Sin TV)
The year when Ashley Emma blossomed once again into an exquisite performer of real grace and stimulating charm
The year of the Dannii Harwood - Lucy Summers 2-4-1s
The year when Rachel Taylor departed the scene and snookered pined every day for her return
The year of the oily desk slide
(Kerrie Lee - S66)
The year Lori Buckby entered the 'Nightshow Positional Agility Championships'
but narrowly got defeated by Jada
. (BS)
The year of the Dutch Licence strength shows coming to a close
The year when oiled up Kerry Louise was probably underrated
The year when Tori Lee and Jess West ended up in nightshow no mans land
The year when the Christmas Party seemed to matter more than quality of visual nightshow product
The year when jimmyt73 entered the World Championship of smileys and won hands down
(errrrr mainly BS I think)
The year when Mikaela Witt naughty hours warmed my heart
The year when call costs went up while quality of visual stimulation went the other way
(all channels)
The year when Caty Cole seemingly was set to walk away
(BS) Farewell Caty
The year when Dannii Harwood finally got the recognition she truly has deserved for a long long time
And finally the year it all descended into a prospect for more turdy bollocks
. (Bandwagon).
Well said Sir