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Poll: In or Out?
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Europe, Referendum & Brexit (formerly Europe..IN or OUT??)

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wackawoo Offline

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Post: #81
RE: Europe..IN or OUT??
Yet to see a convincing argument to stay in. All i hear is twoddle about trade, yet, America, china, Russia and all the other countries governing themselves seem to do alright with out the blackmail that if you are not in Europe you will die.

Call me old fashion but I think a country should govern themselves and not be governed by people in another country.

(23-02-2016 19:13 )Broncobilly Wrote:  In, Europe only works if everyone is on the same side.

Yes Minister is as funny now as it was 30 years ago

The biggest wars the world has ever know has been casue by Europe sqwabbling and messing in one anothers affairs.

(23-02-2016 12:57 )biggles Wrote:  Why do we pussy about wanting to get out - we should LEAD Europe not follow - and yes I think we should have the euro and a federal Europe - It's about time we stopped being so bloody small minded and look at the bigger issues the uk alone can't compete with China, India .

But China and India are 'alone', do you think these people will suddenly stop trading with one of the worlds richest and biggest finantial countires in the world? Probably more so.

(23-02-2016 15:24 )brummie Wrote:  A wake up call for those who still think a 21st century global economy a tiny island can still carry on alone as if nothing had happened because those mega trading blocks are bound to come rushing to little old UK, yeah right!

UK is one of the richest country in the world, why do you think europe damand so much from it finantially? Keep your propaganda.

UK has the second biggest economy in Europe:

GDP $2.945 trillion (Nominal; Sept 2015 USD), $2.548 trillion (PPP; Dec 2014 est.)[1].

Do you think this will vanish over night?

Why would trade with other countries just stop? Unless of course Europe brings out some law to prevent Britian trading with whoever it chooses (at least in Europe) and that would be Black mail.

So most of the poorer countries of Europe want Britain to be in europe on THIER terms (usually at a huge finantial cost to Britian), or else we will black mail you.

Wake up people.

Mind you, the UK economy is growing, may be all those imigrants are contributing after all.
24-02-2016 00:14
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #82
RE: Europe..IN or OUT??
(24-02-2016 00:14 )wackawoo Wrote:  Yet to see a convincing argument to stay in.
That's a coincidence, I'm yet to see a convincing argument to not stay in laugh

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
24-02-2016 07:56
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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #83
RE: Europe..IN or OUT??

All i hear is so far was IDS We are in danger from terrorists if we stay in then when former members of services say that is total bollocks Out say they are scare mongering

Gove Says this new deal is not legally binding Another Ex Attorny General says it is

Wheres the facts and figures and not the shit stirring and scare stories

Im in so far but if the out campaign could prove to me that they would spend the money we spend on EU and stuff that matters and the fact we might be better off i might consider it but all i hear is propaganda Goebbels would have been proud of

True Supporter of Girls and Not Channels !!!!!

I always Keep getting accused of thinking the world revolves around me. . i know it doesnt . . it revolves around the sun which shines out of my arse !!!!!
24-02-2016 09:29
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SecretAgent Offline
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Post: #84
RE: Europe..IN or OUT??
Both sides are accused of scare mongering and I can't unfortunately see that changing. The Out campaigners have so far to my mind failed to come up with anything convincing to say we would be better off outside the E.U. My vote would be to remain in irrespective of what had Cameron negotiated and I actually think he did okay. I strongly believe that to turn our back on the E.U with no guarantees of what the Brexit position would be is totally irresponsible and Boris's stupid view that an out vote could lead to better terms shows how naive he is.

There are lots of comments about the number of Conservative MP's who are in favour of Brexit. Well I'm a Conservative and I couldn't give a damn about them. I have no interest in what my Conservative MP thinks or any other MP for that matter. As others have said it would be helpful to have some facts but realistically the "other" side will just twist them whichever side pr0duces them.

On the lunchtime politics show yesterday an In campaigner talked about the 36 leading business people who had signed a letter in favour of remaining in. The Brexit campaigner on the programme responded that it was a poor show because it meant 68 of the FTSE 100 companies had not signed the letter. In good knockabout style the Remain campaigner then said it was 36-0 in favour of Remain because the Brexit side had so far got none of the FTSE 100 companies to support them!

It's going to be an interesting few months and Corbyn also needs to step up to the plate because I thought he was pathetic the other day. Muted support for Remain is how it sounded.
24-02-2016 10:06
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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #85
RE: Europe..IN or OUT??
Mind you when they spend half of todays PMQ's doing Yo Mama about each others mums what do you expect

Would rather be run by Europe than these bunch Tongue

True Supporter of Girls and Not Channels !!!!!

I always Keep getting accused of thinking the world revolves around me. . i know it doesnt . . it revolves around the sun which shines out of my arse !!!!!
(This post was last modified: 24-02-2016 13:17 by HannahsPet.)
24-02-2016 13:14
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wackawoo Offline

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Post: #86
RE: Europe..IN or OUT??
(24-02-2016 07:56 )Doddle Wrote:  That's a coincidence, I'm yet to see a convincing argument to not stay in laugh

Hello my little stalkerBig Grin

May be a few facts and figures.

""Germany, as the biggest economy, is also the biggest contributor, Poland is the biggest receiver. The UK contributes much more than it receives too, about €4.7bn more. "" Sad

"""After the 3.56bn euros rebate is taken into account, the UK's net contribution was 7.25bn euros (£5.85bn), according to the EU financial report.This represents around 0.87 per cent of UK public spending in 2011 - approximately the same amount spent on the NHS.""" eek

""Being a member of the European Union has been a one-way street for Britain. Contributions from Britain to the EU budget have outstripped the benefits received in every single year of membership.""" shocked

So obviously then, Britian contributes way more to europe then it gets back. Clearly, this must be becasue the trade with europe is so spectacular.

Seems unlikely that Europe will buy more goods from Britian than Britian buys from Europe. I Cannot find any supporting material but it would stand to common sense (looking at how much produce in supermarkets are from the EU) that Britian spends way more in Europe than Europe spends in Britian (we'd have the Franch farmers boycotting and burning out stock were that the case).

Couple of case studies below shows it's probably better not to be FULL members.

I have still to see why trade should suddenly stop, people point out duty free free trade, but they forget to mention VAT charges.

Of course Germany, France, italy etc want Britian in, theyed have a much bigger bill otherwise.
(This post was last modified: 24-02-2016 20:52 by wackawoo.)
24-02-2016 18:47
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Snooks Away
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Post: #87
RE: Europe..IN or OUT??
(24-02-2016 10:06 )SecretAgent Wrote:  Both sides are accused of scare mongering and I can't unfortunately see that changing.

This imo will be the problem.
It will be like the Scottish Independence referendum all over again. Both sides will try to make out that the opposing outcome would be a disaster.
They will pounce on the opinions of those that support their cause and try to make out that the value of those opinions and their source are infinitely greater than those on the opposing side.
If Mr Blobby was suddenly declared to be supporting either side then no doubt great play would be made on the importance of such support Big Laugh.
Every paper and every report that comes out on the issue will be interpreted by each side for their own convenience and words twisted incessantly.
I predict neither side will make a particularly strong case one way or the other and the electorate will be left to work it out for themselves on the basis of learning absolutely nothing of substance from either campaign bladewave.


24-02-2016 19:03
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cwpussylover Offline

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Post: #88
RE: Europe..IN or OUT??
(24-02-2016 09:29 )HannahsPet Wrote:  exactly

All i hear is so far was IDS We are in danger from terrorists if we stay in then when former members of services say that is total bollocks Out say they are scare mongering

Gove Says this new deal is not legally binding Another Ex Attorny General says it is

Wheres the facts and figures and not the shit stirring and scare stories

Im in so far but if the out campaign could prove to me that they would spend the money we spend on EU and stuff that matters and the fact we might be better off i might consider it but all i hear is propaganda Goebbels would have been proud of

the head of EU himself stated it is not legally binding...and indeed no attempt will be made until AFTER we vote..eek

24-02-2016 19:12
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cwpussylover Offline

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Post: #89
RE: Europe..IN or OUT??
I'm in bed with BorisImportantBig GrinBig GrinTongueBig LaughBounceSurprised

24-02-2016 19:14
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lovebabes56 Offline
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Post: #90
RE: Europe..IN or OUT??
I wonder how the babe channels would vote if they were allowed 1 block vote each?

(This post was last modified: 24-02-2016 19:17 by lovebabes56.)
24-02-2016 19:16
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