(06-03-2016 17:58 )ShandyHand Wrote: My apologies about the link it didn't like the bracket I put it i.......
Your over all tone seems to be one of attack but it seems to be based on a misunderstanding of what I wrote (common enough on here I suppose).
Firstly, can you tell me what you mean by 'good'? because doddle was refering to poor, and poor is finantial with resulting poorer living conditions, this by it's very nature is materialistic, improve the living conditions (this is done finantially) improve the life style. Or you refering to spiritual goodness? community spirit? you know, like in the war. As I say, you have completely misunderstood what I have been writing. I was saying all these community problems have increase when people by and large are MATERIALLY BETTER, which is diametrically opposite to what you are trying to critizes me for. Other issues i suspect are down to being very little discipling now, compared to when I was young and other social issues, ALL have nothing to do with being in Europe or not, explain to me how it is?
I have indeed read doddles points, as I attempted to read yours, this is why I was able to provide counter arguments to them, but not to yours. What i don't get from doddles points or yours over child povery, is what specifically as this to do with in or out of Europe? the high in child poverty is since we have been Europe and have been the past 40 years.
People WERE poorer back then, I have no idea how anybody could even challange that; people in the generation before I was born were poorer still, going back to the REAL poverty of Victorian Britian. There was REAL and massive social difference then.
You also make the comment "how you seem to think being out of Europe will improve things even further.", I have never claimed this. I am being told how it would be terrible to leave Europe (the end would be neigh to hear some people) and that we gain so much by being in it. When I have search ACTUAL data, i have infact seen that Britian certainly pays an high price for this, and inputs much more than she actually gets out of it; that money could go directly into the UK economy. As said, I have seen some arguments put forward here, some seem totally irrelavant (clearner beaches) some seem more pertinant (free trade). My questions have always been about the fine detail and what would REALISTICALLY happen if the UK were more akin to some of the nordic countires where partial membership seems very much more finantially better than full.
You made this comment yourself:
Quote:have been going on for years in and out of Europe and are getting worse.
Doesn't this suggest that whatever social problems there are in this country, being in europe or not is not the issue? You say the gap between the haves and haves not is getting larger in this country, this simply doesn't seem to be the case. There is no where near the social hierarchy there was years ago, even from when i was a child.
Quote:I also asked what you thought would happen if we opted out of the EU. How would it change things for the better in this country? What do you want to achieve most by doing so?
This is the crux, nobody knows; in or out. But you can assume that there would be tighter boarder controls, immigration would be a lot easier to control (especially from east european countries); being governed by our government with laws made in this country for our people not being told what we can and cannot do from Brussels. Instead of having to pay a premium for UK grown products over cheap imports in super markets, may be more British products could be supplied in shops at a cheaper price and this will stop the finantial lynching of UK farmers, which in turn would mean the government won't have to pay subsidies to them. I honestly do not think trade with foreign countries would just stop, I think that would carry on, if Europian countires put an extra level of taxs on our products that would be a form of black mail. I dont think the UK would suddenly stop being a finantial captital of the world, and suddenly become one of the poorest. The money, or some of it, going to europe could go to the NHS and this would lead to a better health service. And I'm sure there are other things, but the important thing to consider, would it be as damning as people say it would be not being in Europe?
Lets face it, the EU is pretty much the richer stronger countries carrying the poorer ones, in it's self thats not a bad thing, but it's easier to have an exodus of peple from these countries to get the hand outs rather than try and rebuild finantially there own countires.
Regarding the Brummie post, I will search that out and read it. If I don't respond to something, it's more that i havn't seen it rather than ignoreing it, I'll leave that to others. I'll be awefully dissapointed though if it's just the same things I have already read.
You seem to be under the impression I'm some thatcherite anti Europe little Englander. You are very wrong, I'm quite happy to stay in Europe if it IS the better thing to do, I have not seen a really good argument for it and against seems a little more convincing.
I was born in 1968 I have lived pretty much through the Europe years and can only go on personal experiance. I remember the 70's I was 12 at there close, I remember the stuggle my mum had, I remember how much better things got thoughout the 80's and have stayed that way. People today typing on computers saying how terrible it has got really do not know what poor means. It's not not having the latest iphone, or driving down to the local food hand out becasue it's better than paying for them. it's having to eat baby food to feed themselves like my mum had to because what money she did get went first on us. So you really have no need to talk to me about the poor of today.