(07-03-2016 19:03 )ShandyHand Wrote: The whole implication of this paragraph is that the kids of today don't have it tough 'like in my day'. That having to go to food banks is some kind of lifestyle choice! That 'everyone' has an iphone so they can't in anyway be having it tough. You imply that no one has the same problem that your mom had feeding her family unless they neglectfully put other things ahead of this priority.
We are of comparable age btw just to be clear.
And this is your problem in a nut shell not reading things properly, or willfully not doing.
I have watched documenteries and watched news items about the poor. In most cases (I assume deliberately so) the camera tends to sweep to the LCD tv, the children on their phones and ipads and parents smoking. I also stated 'it is not about having the latest iphone' I didn't say they had them but poverty means not having food to eat or clothes on your back, not luxury items. Before you start, I never classed us as in poverty, we wasn't, but it was more of a stuggle then as now. The typing on the computers meant the likes of you, not the poor.
I would like to see your evidance of this poverty you speak off, other than one lousey graph that stated it was all relative with absolutely no facts and figures on it.
Unless there is some form of neglect, abuse or uncaring home life then, 'Children do not have it as tough these days 'as in mine' (something also i never stated). I never stated I had it tough, I said it was tough for mum. I have provided you with what a couple with two children get to live on via benefits, being well over £500 per calander month, ALL people with children not working are entitled to it. It's one of the major attractions for imigrants who probably have known REAL poverty.
Are you an american? Because nobody of 'comparable age' with me would ever use the word 'Mom' or spell it that way. young people do to try and appear trendy.
Also why does this cause you no concern?
Quote:Sadly the are plenty of parents will buy themselves a packet of fags rather than new clothes for the children? If they cant afford both and want/need the fags/booze/betting/drugs then dont have the kids!
Why then do you feign out rage when I put something similar but not has strong?
To repeat, where is the cut and paste of my calling these people loafers?
You know what, this is like the forum of old, where someone like you steadfastly refuses to get the thread back on track despite others trying to. Resorting to manipulations and out right lies to create and continue negativity. I have tried numerous times to move on past this and and get the thread back on the Europe track. It's now clear you have ulterior motives, may be you did all along, or are to stupid to understand what is being said to you.
My patience now in trying to explain to you what you are not understanding and has been spent.