Readers of this thread of old will probably recall that I dislike(d) the reinvention of the post 10pm slot as a regular home for the tease option.
It always seemed to me more a staffing convenience for 66 rather than a strength offered to the consumer with true conviction. More of a vote of no confidence in the traditional night show format than a statement of intent for a longterm future.
It may appear odd therefore that I find myself in favour of the 4am variety now that it's arrived!

Why would that be? Well, on the surface I can think of four fairly plain reasons for this...
1. It may be that I am around to see the shows very much less at 4am than I am at 10pm and so any change that can alter my viewing habits in this, as this one has, might be seen as a positive indicator that it can do the same for others.
2. It may be that the girls doing these 4am slots are more of the type that I want to see more often, rather than what has become a quite repetitive selection of babes offered by the 10pm teases.
3. The 4am teases also seem less objectionable as a whole as the old type shows are simply more moribund at 4am than they are at 10pm. Very little would seem a step backwards on the low energy levels all too often seen from the night girls, however understandably, at silly o'clock after six plus hours in the chair.
4. As has been indicated by Colin above, the new tease hours also have the added benefit of letting this different batch of new teasers get used to displaying greater content levels (despite the presumed lack of nipple-age from some!

). As always, like dipping a toe in and getting comfortable with the water, it may help some babes be more inclined to swim out further! The perve cams have helped some babes do this in one format, the new sessions should help break down these barriers on TV.
Finally, I have a more speculative reason, which, if true, may alter the perception of these changes for some posters:-
I think, if we look at what 66 might be hoping to achieve with these changes in scheduling, there might just be something more going on here than the attempted eradication by strangulation of the established night show! I would say, quite the opposite could be occurring in fact, with
these moves representing s66's attempt to save the night show at their channels...
As I see it, 66 see the traditional night time hours as too long in comparison with what they perceive as their massive strength - their daytime roster. (Most guys on here would I think agree with them on the assessment of this strength at least.)
With these latest tease slots they are obviously looking to maximise that strength. Placing teases at either end of the now quite truncated nighttime hours, essentially cuts down on the chances for lulls (in the girls' energy levels and/or the number of customers around) over the period.
But there may to be another more subtle intent here... It shouldn't be underestimated how custom creates more custom on the babe channels I think. Guys getting off like to feel 'part of the action' of others doing likewise. There is an excitement and welcoming participatory vitality in being part of a 'baying crowd', all gawping in heat at the same girl! I think 66 are looking to help bring back more of those type atmospheres to their established night girls with these moves.
Shortening the hours of their night shows proper should help re-invigorate this kind to this spark, which should, in turn, help the girls with their performances and incite 'the crowd' at home still further. Whatever method these guys are choosing to interact (perve, calls, whatever), 66 are I think, looking to keep this buzz going for more of the night time - in effect creating greater demand by decreasing the supply! It's an interesting concept if it is their thinking, however irritating the 'daytime' expansion may on the surface seem to the more 'traditional fan'.
So, hopefully, there may well be some 'hidden' pluses in these changes from 66 - even for oldtime farts like me!
Only future scheduling decisions will indicated if this theory holds any water however.