I can see this is how the conspiracy theories in this place start.
(08-09-2016 06:31 )HEX!T Wrote: lol reason i asked is i noticed that mll and circles had stopped posting bsx caps around the 10th of last month. i was just wondering why they stopped, as they were such avid posters.

As I noted already, no I didn't stop on the 10th of last month, it just so happens all the caps I have done since then have been solo shows, and so have been posted in babes' own individual threads, as a perusal of Amelia, Maddie and Priya's bsx threads will show, to name but a few.
(08-09-2016 06:31 )HEX!T Wrote: reason i asked is that normally when guys stop posting you see a string of im done with this. but neither seemed to have done that. they just stopped.

No, I've done all my flouncing posts in previous years, now I am too old and grizzled to bother.

But I have not yet learned the lesson of learning not to reply to this kind of post with an over-long response of self-justification
(08-09-2016 06:31 )HEX!T Wrote: i was thinking maybe it was by request saying as the sheer amount of caps from each show sorta defeated the purpose of channels asking for vids not to be uploaded.

M-L-L posts too many caps, ah I never tire of hearing this.
Just be thankful Lolly Badcock's retired.

Familiarity with the shows leading to contempt

and natural laziness actually mean I'm posting less caps generally these days - compared to the halycon days of 2013 and posts of 200 plus thumbnails making other forum members "eyes bleed". Still my favourite quote that one
For the record, no formal request has been made of me from mods or the channels to stop or reduce the amount of bsx caps. Certain caps of certain shows have been removed by mods at babes' / channel's request - but not many in the overall scheme of things.

And no, despite the appearance and assertions by some other posters (not just HEX!T) and contrary to popular belief, I
don't post an entire video's worth frame by frame. Apart from being way too time consuming, I just don't see the point, many of the shows are actually reasonably repetitive.
As any inspection of my overcapping will show.

Some of the solo bsx shows recently have been getting longer stretching to 40 mins almost an hour, so I think that probably makes some people think the amount of caps are "frame-by-frame". The reality is I tend to post chunks of quite a lot of caps of certain sequences from the shows (the bits I like, others may disagree), but by no means the whole show. And I often delete far more than I post, because the caps are generally done "live", generating a whole pile of motion blurred and unusable ones.
(08-09-2016 06:31 )HEX!T Wrote: or was it the that vlc got blocked seeing as i notice mll now posts caps with the web osg on them from inside his browser.
I've always capped direct from the website. I've never used vlc - I am too dim to get the hang of it. And I think my laptop is too old to cope with it, it just crashed repeatedly when I tried it a year or so ago.
(08-09-2016 06:31 )HEX!T Wrote: was just bored so asked the question... just curiosity

Then the shows are in deeper trouble than we ever suspected !
Pervcam will kill bsx off anyway no doubt

Nothing in my post to be taken too seriously, really the original question made me laugh