(23-02-2017 05:36 )munch1917 Wrote: (23-02-2017 04:13 )wackawoo Wrote: ... a bloke claiming to be transgender, but is still physically a man with all the acutriments ...

I suggest you look up the definition of transgender.
Why would i need to, what is my degree in?
My sister had her first girlfriends in the early 80's, long before LGBT became to upmost in trend, this has only happened in the past ten years or so; I'm very well aware of the LGBT. Back then, by far the majority of people in the country were incredibly hostile to LGBT community.
But knowing the deffinition of what a transgender is, it isn't, suprise suprise, what my post was about.
It was about the a law change that is clearly being used as ammunition agaisnt Trump in the 'fair media' over an issue that is an grey area that COULD be abuse of it BY HETEROSEXUAL men.
That article clearly states it applies to men pre op, not women post op. It also clearly states that women using those toilets who are umcomfortable with pre op people using the same toilet as them is a complete irrelavance, that in it self is totally wrong.
IF they (the transgenders) suddenly had a great big massive complex about going in to mail toilets, or if they are living life fully as a woman and dressed as a woman (and there a lot of heterosexual transvestites out there) then they can use the alternative of the disabled toilets which are normally unisex and normally very little used so they would have all the privacey in the world.
This is nothing to do with being transgender, there are clear alternatives, this is more to to with pcism gone crazy and ism people demanding everything they wont; but in this case it could be open to misuse.
There really can't be that many transgenders in the world in any one place at any one time to warrent such laws; how many TRUE transgenders do you think is going ot be in any given school, colledge or university at any given time?
Whatevers going on in the mind/soul/spirit of a TG, pre op they are biologically males, have Y chromosome, cock and balls, and I'd have thought biological woman feeling uncomfortable with that should be taken into account.
Mod Edit: You have been told not to bring the mods into your arguement so I've removed the dig - Charle