(17-05-2017 14:40 )Scots Napoleon Wrote: I expect the grand scheme is to lure people away from their TVs by giving them an incentive to watch online.
Quite, but I think what they might be about bears looking at in a little more detail than that as it seems likely to me that it could point to future developments on the shows.
Yes, I feel it can only be that these latest web-only elements are a patent attempt to raise awareness about 66's websites and its viewing 'possibilities'. The aim is indeed surely to get more guys away from their comfy living room zone and on to a smart device (if they have an old fashioned set up) or better yet to prompt them to invest in the tech that can put the streams right there on their main TVs. To some extent the operators are still trying to break down the old comfort barriers of a previously more passive interaction which required just a phone by the callers' side. They now want more tech use, more often.
(I think we need to avoid falling into the trap of assuming that everyone who 'uses' the shows are as savvy and 'up on things' as many forumites. 66 seem to feel that there is still some educating and luring of sections of its customer base to be done here.)
Why are they doing this now? Well I think the initial bloom of the camming is over. But you build on success. It now must be worked at, encouraged, like anything else.
Also, we shouldn't forget that the operators' sites have the upcoming age verifications regs to overcome. This will put up customer resistance to using their sites some as it will be an off-putting barrier to interaction. The operators need to give guys reasons to overcome that. Web-only content on the regular streams is one incentive that way...
The obvious concern is that presenting stronger visuals on the regular streams like this might
discourage pervcam use and result in 66 stopping these welcome 'extras' before they get started... But sometimes I think we have to give more credit to the operators than we do. They know their figures and must have some indications that things like this will work in their favour. The availability of such material could well drive more people to want to see those sort of levels more often (while paying for the privilege of course) especially when they have been brought right to its doorstep.
BS's recent upping of their stream quality is another effort to encourage web use presumably; as are their new "curtain" shows - although, as always with BS, so crude are their methods that they provoke a fair amount of negativity from their potential customers with such things. So there would appear to be little turf war going on here for who can get the uphand with the next level of web use.
We may even be headed for a two-teir payment scheme from the shows if the use of additionally angled streams continues. Now that the pervcams' security has been beefed up, the operators may be planning to encrypt the regular streams at certain times too. During these times they could be made available to just paid up website members. This monetisation of visuals is what we have seen so much of lately. It would only be par for the course.
A more specific target for the operators is presumably the vastly increasing ownership of 'kodi' boxes and alike. (Their use really took off at the end of last year.) Exclusive stream content could bring new IP viewing customers to the channels for the very first time. (Any stigma around tame 900-use is minimalised on such boxes given that they can stream HC porn as easily as anything else online.)
Of course, a little good vibe around a 'new' innovation or two is never bad for a product. And there's nothing better than a freebie give-away or two (however short-lived) for creating just such feel good factor and word-of-mouth.
Hopefully, the tickering with such things that we have seen from the operators lately will all work out well in the long run. More options for the customer should give greater satisfaction eventually and lead to a more vibrant revived industry - which equals more scope for further innovations in the future and more chance of attracting top quality babes once again... In theory at least.
That's the trouble with capitalism I suppose,

it can actually work in bringing the paying customer what they want! ... It's a bugger I know.