(06-09-2017 21:21 )nottooold Wrote: The simple facts seem to be -
1. Several of the girls told several callers that Ofcom had expressed some criticism of the pervecam being visible on tv.
2. The exact nature of the Ofcom statement - requirement or guidance - is not known to us.
3. We are not and cannot be party to all of the exchange of information written and oral that regularly passes between Ofcom and the babechannels.
4. The girls, or most of them, used to be pretty careful about the position of the pervecam for some time.
5. Several of the girls don't seem to care about the cam being visible any more, and neither do some producers.
I don't know any more than anyone else, but the above suggests very strongly to me that Ofcom said something some time ago which was then thought of as quite important, but which is not now regarded as such. The end!
Thank you for the summary of your position, nottooold, but I must disagree with your reasoning. For example, even if we accepted your #1 as a fact it would not justify your #2 as we have no way of knowing how accurate statements made by the girls actually are. They may understand and transmit information accurately or they may not. They may be sure of what they say or they may not.
I have come up with a summary of my own, consisting of 5 points like yours above, which I put forward to you as a more likely scenario.
1. Studio 66 have had a policy since pervcam was first used to hide it during the daytime. You can see this in forum caps, where the cam is visible much less often than you see in the caps from night shows.
2. This policy has never been applied that strictly, so it is not difficult to find daytime caps with pervcam visible, but it is a policy nonetheless.
3. How evenly and consistently the policy is applied depends on each of the girls and each of the producers. Judging from forum caps, one girl at least seems never to have followed the rule.
4. Studio 66’s policy to largely hide the pervcam during daytime shows is not based on any Ofcom dictat, requirement or guidance. If it were it would not have been applied from the outset in such an uneven manner.
5. The suggestion that something has changed recently is contrary to the available evidence, which tells us that Studio 66 have always had a policy of hiding pervcam during the daytime and that this is still their policy today. Likewise, there have always been moments when the policy has not been followed and this continues to be the case today.
It’s worth repeating an earlier observation I made, that any Ofcom rules or guidance would apply equally to Babestation. As Babestation Daytime is a stickler for keeping Ofcom happy, but has never had a problem with the pervcam being visible, it is further evidence that any pervcam rules or guidance simply does not exist.