[split] Freeview channel changes
Hi there. So how are we all getting on with the new shows? I watched Party Girls and although quite tame at the moment (it was after all the first one!) I enjoyed it; Mind you with MORGAN,RACHEL and PAIGE on (three of my favourites) then I had to go there rather than any other show! From what I've heard so far BS1 was as normal albeit with just three girls and BS2 was quite raunchy with Amanda and Michelle doing girl-on-girl stuff. I havent seen it but wonder how it compares to Sky BS 2 or even the "old" Party Girls?
Although Party Girls was quite tame all three girls put on a good show and I thought it was much more relaxed than BS1 with no hard sell adverts for photos; in fact the different girls sessions merged seamlessly which I thought very tidy. (Also there was no split screen!!
Now for a suggestion. As all the babechannels operated by Cellcast are in one thread on this forum;Babestation channels which is sensible (Although I still think it should be Cellcast channels) we Freeviewers have a problem. At 9.00ish we used to be able to watch the webstream and find out who would be on our Freeview show (BS1) although recently with crossover shows it wasnt entirely accurate! But now with three shows on Freeview from Midnight plus Partyland from 1.00am all using girls from Cellcast we dont stand a chance of checking each show from 9.00 unless we have Sky (not many of us!) all we can check is BS1 and Partyland.
So we have relied on our friends who have Sky to post here who is on all the channels to help us. This worked very well last night (Thank you our friendly Skyers!) As a result of that I was able to decide to record Party Girls where MORGAN, RACHEL and PAIGE were on.
SO would it not be a good idea to have a separate thread;Who is on the Cellcast channels tonight? or similar which our friends could hopefully send their sightings to so that we Freeview only viewers could decide which channel to watch/record. I'm sure that this would help as I'm also sure that we all have certain girls who are our favourites and certain girls who ,from choice, we wouldnt necessarily watch.
How is that for a solution to our Skyless problem;I,m sure that our Sky friends on this forum would be pleased to help us as they have recently and it would save our frustration and guesswork.
Could this be introduced please Mr Site Person and then all the information would be in a single thread and therefore easily found.
Just as an aside I notice that Partylands schedule on their website has become as unreliable as Babestations has been for quite some time!
Anyway I will be back on at about 9.00ish for the girl news; hopefully this system will work successfully and benefit us all.