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Evelyn (Daytime Queen 2018) - S66 Dayshow Chat & Discussion (Only)

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Rake Offline
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Post: #1951
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
I d like to see her do at least an hour or 2 on a different set each shift before retiring to the peace and tranquillity of her personal bedroom set .
27-02-2018 10:26
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Robot Devil Offline
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Post: #1952
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
I give Evelyn an hour (maximum) before she changes out of this outfit. Constantly adjusting herself already. Awesome dress but she already looks worried about slipping.

27-02-2018 11:06
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DuggyG2 Offline
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Post: #1953
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
Just sitting up for maybe 20 minutes of each hour .

More seduction.,she's got amazing ability to lure lads in with just her sexy beautiful face,when she wants to turn the seduction on,she's on fire!

So seduction.
And sitting up instead of laying down,.Plenty of time for that when she goes to bed at night! Smile
27-02-2018 13:26
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Rake Offline
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Post: #1954
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
^ yes the curves and angles around her hips and waist are incredible when she sits up to fish stuff out of her handbag

And the views of her tits too
27-02-2018 14:19
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #1955
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
(27-02-2018 08:02 )nottooold Wrote:  Someone being tall or short, thin or fat, is usually a fact, but to say someone is boring is an only an opinion. The person is just saying he has no interest in what that person says or does.

Opinion is what makes this forum what it is; and technically yes "boring" usually indicates a lack of interest in the thing being critiqued but people don't always converse with precise accuracy. You have to look for a little context to put meat on the bones sometimes. I think quiquems devotion to the channels and deep appreciation of Evelyn has been proven by his consistent uploads of both - on here and elsewhere. If he says Evelyn is boring I think it's fairy safe to conclude, and not to put words in his mouth, that he mean's she being boring. i.e. a non-permanent thing.

(27-02-2018 08:02 )nottooold Wrote:  And to say that over and over again can be, in itself, boring! Other people can have different opinions.

It can get boring yes, it can also indicate a level of emotion that reflects a deep frustration with someone the poster thinks could be amazing if only they applied themselves more. You don't see punters repeating themselves in this way on threads where there is no hope for the babe in question. Guys most definately think Evelyn's one that is both a) worth it and b) just might, might, listen and respond.

(27-02-2018 08:02 )nottooold Wrote:  I said much to dispute what was said, without actually being particularly complimentary to Evelyn, and am, as always, condemned as a "fan boy"or a "guard pup". ShandyHand in his thoughtful and skilled way says much of value, and will never be criticised as a "fan boy"! However, he praised Evelyn rather more than I do.

That's because it's not a question of praise (or indeed the opposite) but of objectivity. The need to defend at all costs and without due consideration to an opposing side is what marks out the fanboy post. But I agree it's not always a precise label (a bit like the term "freeloader") and is not always intended as highly pejorative. It is a necessary shorthand in a lot of cases and perhaps shouldn't be taken to heart over much when it's been used in that way.

(27-02-2018 08:02 )nottooold Wrote:  Reading between the lines, he said quite clearly that Evelyn is very skilled at what she does, and very successful too, adding only that she could be even better.

I hope it was more than just between the lines. Her commercial success is assured, her critical success is only contested when she is at her least engaging. What that constitutes is open for debate.

(27-02-2018 08:02 )nottooold Wrote:  Why don't we just say clearly exactly what it is that we want from these girls? Let's discuss it and then tell Studio 66 what we want. Vague comments about being "boring" and "could be better" aren't sufficiently constructive. What do we want? To start the ball rolling, I repeat what I said previously - a daytime cameraman, and set and costume changes would be good. Over to the rest of you!

This is worthy of a post of its own... Tomorrow mate. Wink

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
27-02-2018 22:18
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nottooold Offline
Wow! So that's Evelyn....

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Post: #1956
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
(27-02-2018 22:18 )ShandyHand Wrote:  
(27-02-2018 08:02 )nottooold Wrote:  Why don't we just say clearly exactly what it is that we want from these girls? Let's discuss it and then tell Studio 66 what we want. Vague comments about being "boring" and "could be better" aren't sufficiently constructive. What do we want? To start the ball rolling, I repeat what I said previously - a daytime cameraman, and set and costume changes would be good. Over to the rest of you!

This is worthy of a post of its own... Tomorrow mate. Wink

Yes please, Shandy - it is the entire purpose of my post which you have carefully dissected!
27-02-2018 23:50
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tonkpils Offline
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Post: #1957
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
(24-02-2018 18:11 )Skyline Wrote:  lol, yes Quiquems does seem somewhat of a broken record!, funny since on the 12/01/18 on (evelyn chat and discussion) he said "I given up with her, sorry"....funny since he keeps coming back for more.Big Laugh

you are not getting the point... when QQ says "i gave up" means he's tired of editing videos and uploading. Of course he still watch her.

also, i would like to mention that me and Quiquems are her fans since her debut... it is almost 8 years now.. We saw her evolution and involutions many times, and to see her now doing this perv shows is only to see that she ended up as the other girls. She is only doing this more slowly, as her fans knows and like her being aside the world of the babecams. When i was her caller, i remember once i was coming to london she was telling me that there were parties where the girls were invited. She never went there. and i'm sure she still does not.

when she is not on TV she has another life, nothing to do with what she does on tuesdays and fridays. Cool

For sure, slowly is ok, but i'm wondering when this will stop. She constantly add some spice to her shows. Started with hands covering her tits, and now her hands barely cover her pussy.

What next? Dildo play? who knows.. Rolleyes
28-02-2018 20:52
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #1958
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
(27-02-2018 08:02 )nottooold Wrote:  Why don't we just say clearly exactly what it is that we want
... a daytime cameraman, and set and costume changes would be good. Over to the rest of you!

I've said exactly this on a recent thread of mine: We can only really complain after we define, realistically, the things that we think are missing or not up to scratch on the shows.

As you say, this isn't a new debate. Generally, what your average guy wants to see from Evelyn applies to all day babes. (Although, granted Eve is better than most at giving your mainstream guy the sort of visually orientated elements he is looking for.) What's lacking in the shows has been gone through on many threads, many times, over many years. I've written quite a bit on it myself so you'll have to forgive me if there's nothing particularly radical in this post as I attempt to tailor it more to Evelyn specifically. (There are many niches of attraction in the babeshows of course. I think I have fairly mainstream tastes so I caveat all this with the fact that I can only really speak to those.)

One thing I do think is sometimes understressed is how the apparently little things of a babe's demeanor impress themselves on the viewer. These go deep into a guy's perception of a babe or show I think. I can't see how anyone could want to interact with a babe that looks sullen or whatever onscreen for instance (Evelyn's not guilty of such extremes thankfully) but key, I think, is that a show should look fun at all times. A static bored looking babe is not fun (I appreciate it's sometimes difficult if a particular caller is boring). The negative impression tends to stick in a guy's mind at home.

The babe's attitude to what she should do about guys just watching is also crucial I feel. If she is negative about them in any way it can't help but impact on her ability to be the draw to interaction she should be. A healthy mindset about this is vital to maximising her engagement for where I stand.

You see, for me, suggestions for technical improvements to the shows like yours are most welcome but are particularly so if they can help sway the way babes might perceive their general audience. That is why I was so enthusiastic about the occasional second camera feeds. These gave the babes who did them something to play to that was even more of a direct draw to the website and its paywall. It gave higher value to fresh blood.

Luckily Evelyn seems more sympatico with her broad audience and more in tune with their requirements than some other babes but often looks just as disinclined to offer up 'a sprat to catch a mackerel' when it comes to playing to camera in luring them into particiption. 

My feeling is that this is due to just lack of need on Evelyn's part rather than the hardline attitude of some other babes, but I feel it's difficult to describe how telling this is on the prospective customer: If all a babe does is turn up intent on just getting through the day, with little focus beyond her conversations on cam and phone, it's highly likely there are going to be relatively few takers beyond her loyal core of followers. Some guys require more from their muse than that. Even if the babe is as hot as Evelyn!

The babe needs to be about more than just fulfilling the needs of those that come their way. It's how the seductive finger is crooked to the audience at large that sets the tone for the general perception of the channels and whether they are worth everyone's time. It's that style of show that I hope will see renewed importance if a babe's to build some momentum in the competitive online arena. The babe should inspire with every minute she's onscreen otherwise the expensive real estate of advertising space that has been purchased for her is being underutilised.

Evelyn I'm sure has the understanding and empathy to be doing better at all this than any of the anti-freeloader babes. Just a few more sprats a session would have more guys convinced of the good time to be had and of her amenable demeanor. This means more movement, more expression of sensuality, more variation of pose and angle, more tease through the day. (Just how remarkable would it be to see her stood up for goodness sake!) But generally, more of what she does occassionally in other words, just with more consistency and conviction.

If she really wants to move into new territory it's all there within her reach. This is the frustration we often see being expressed on here I think - it should be so easy for her but, for whatever reason, it is not apparently.

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
28-02-2018 21:30
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nottooold Offline
Wow! So that's Evelyn....

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Post: #1959
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
A carefully considered item from ShandyHand as expected, ending with the thought -

If she really wants to move into new territory it's all there within her reach. This is the frustration we often see being expressed on here I think - it should be so easy for her but, for whatever reason, it is not apparently.

The "new territory" area is a large one, because Evelyn doesn't do, and presumably doesn't want to do, so many of the things that other girls do. She doesn't do night shows, webcam shows, private shows, cam2cam, the lucrative photographic and video shoots, she doesn't have a website, for example, and she doesn't sell her knickers on request!

I'm sure she is aware of the potential income that she isn't pursuing, so I'm of the opinion that she knows what she wants, and knows what she doesn't want. Peace of mind seems more important to her than earning more money.

Is this the area you had in mind Shandy?
01-03-2018 08:38
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #1960
RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion
^ Ultimately yes. But with the more immediate 'advances' I was speaking of as an easier first step. Nothing says there has to be any progression to those things either.

As you say there's so much of the usual routine glamour equation that she eschews, it's hard to pinpoint what she might consider taking on board at 66 or elsewhere in her future. If anything. She may choose to go independent with her own site for instance.

But that's the trouble with talking about Evelyn in the sort of depth you're asking: There's a lot that prompts vagueness and wishful thinking because there is so much potential but little evidence she actually wants to do much of it.

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2018 10:11 by ShandyHand.)
01-03-2018 10:09
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