funkymackem, all fashion models wear 'vanity pants' and have done for many, many years (you can't have girls flashing the gash on the runway - the 'ladies' would faint, indeed, the blokes would all be up the front so the 'ladies' couldn't get to see the new fashion tends in handbags and shoes)
On the other points. The lure of the taboo is certainly real - human progress is all about curiosity and discovering the unknown. And it is certainly true that there needs to be a proper balance between censorship and letting it all hang out. We'd soon get bored if the babes all wore burkhas and veils wouldn't we? I mean we might as well watch the washing dry as stare at a woman covered in a fabric pillar box.
Now I don't believe for one second that any 'slips' are strictly forbidden either on the day channels or the night channels. The FACT they DO occur and yet NO sanctions are imposed simply confirms my theory that they are in fact allowed in a limited fashion in order to keep people watching. It's basic psychology in that familiar lure of the taboo and illicit being used to manipulate the audience - to pull in viewers like flies to shit.
As I've said on several threads already, Ofcom have no evidence whatsoever that nudity (or sex for that matter) can "
seriously impair the moral, physical or psychological development of minors" and thus give them reason to legally censor/forbid it. That term (emphesis added) is from the EC TV Directive (part of EU Treaty laws) Ofcom are supposed to be abiding by in harmony with all European TV regulators (we're supposed to be part of this free market y'know - ensuring the free exchange of all products and services across ALL European countries - tough titty if you want sell a nude babe show to Britain though...!).
Now, the BBFC allow "natural nudity" from U certificate upward. Anything passed U can be broadcast at anytime according to Ofcom's precious Code - i.e. non-sexual "natural nudity" can be braodcast at anytime of day - so any nip slip, pussy peek etc. is all perfectly accetpable if it occurs naturally and without any sexual context. There are in fact a lot of mothers out there that want to be able to whip their boobs out anywhere to feed their babies - the Government say they support them in that right. So, if there's some element in society trying to prevent what is prefectly normal and natural from happening because they have some insane religious/moral objection to it, then it is that element that need correcting. Clearly, Ofcom seem to be part of that unnatural element because there's one thing I know for sure, little children are not harmed by seeing naked boobies, in fact they love to see 'em, they even NEED to see them if they're to grow up like real human beings have done since year dot.