RE: Evelyn (Daytime Queen 2018) - Chat & Discussion
Now that the dust has settled, perhaps a few moments of quiet mature consideration before we hopefully move on.
I do not totally disagree with all of what t bone wrote. Some of his observations I agree with, or at least understand. I generally disagree with many of his conclusions, and, of course find his trollery totally abhorrent. His case would have been much stronger if he had carefully read other peoples' comments before abusing them.
I understand his criticism about the lack of movement - but we've done this before. As well as the arrival of Ofcom which ended the daytime sexiness, we have to endure the lack of a daytime cameraman and the use of static cameras for all or most of the day making major movement impossible. In addition we now have the use of the pervcam which wasn't around in the days of The Pad. Some girls start their shift with the cam pointing up their skirt and are inevitably statues for much of the day. Studio 66 alone is responsible for the lack of cameraman, and not the girls. (I emailed S 66 months ago asking if a cameraman could be made available for some of the day - perhaps others should do the same). The company, the girls themselves, and us, the punters who ask for the, must share the blame for the lack of movement that this causes, and which so many fans criticise.
Another criticism is that Evelyn only uses one set. She has said that she can concentrate on her callers and her job much better away from the hurly-burly of the main studio. Also she told me that when she used the office set (still frequently requested) she was repeatedly told by her callers to get back on the bed because they wanted to see her bum! We constantly forget that other fans have different tastes from us, and that the girls are continually trying to please part of their audience, while irritating the rest of us!!!! We may remember that when Evelyn came back from Ukraine last summer, she had injured her back, and did almost a whole show standing up or sitting on the edge of a desk. Many were well pleased with the change, but the first comment on the chat line was "Evelyn, lie down on the bed"! We just cannot accept that we all have different likes and dislikes, and that ours might not be the most popular. There are footlovers, bum men, and boob can please some of the people some of the time....
On the subject of complaining to the company about program content, I have some agreement with what t bone said. My opinion in full is that there is no point in complaining if you are just a tv or online viewer with no intention of participating - only participants fund the business. There is possibly not much power behind your complaint if you are a participant and clearly will remain a participant. However, if you tell them that you and your friends don't phone in, but would do so if the company only did this...., or that you are a regular user, but intend to stop and go elsewhere can be sure that they will at least consider your point of view. It's about money in the end, they are a business.
But I disagree with what I thought t bone was hinting at - that the company and the girls are equally and jointly responsible. The company's aim is to make a profit. On the other hand what the girls do on their shows is try to please the punters. We ask for the girl to lie on her back, or take her shoes off, or use the pervcam. We are, to some extent, in control of what we get to see. If a telephone caller just wants to ask Evelyn about her holidays, the viewer is not going to get visual excitement! And yes, the girls make their money by pleasing us. I did think that t bone was suggesting that the girls and the company were equally responsible for things such as lack of movement - possibly I misunderstood him - but the situation is much more complex than that.
The pervcam which massively encourages a total lack of movement is also a huge financial incentive for the girls. I have no details of the true rewards, but if I may create a scenario with figures which I have invented for consideration... Girl A is paid £50 per hour just to look pretty and take calls, but she gets an additional £1 per minute for each pervcam viewer. If she gets an average of say 5 viewers at any one time, her £50 per hour becomes £350 per hour!!! We cannot be surprised that some girls cam most of the day, whatever the true figures may be! On this issue we will struggle to see movement, and in any event, the punters ask for pervcam use! I admit to being surprised that Evelyn only uses the cam occasionally during the day.
I hope this makes the situation and my opinions clearer, and hope we don't need to revisit this area again for some time. The facts are complex and interwoven, and it seems that we all have different opinions. We must accept that we like different things and that a person with a slightly different view from ours is not necessarily wrong. We should be able to agree to disagree with reasonable politeness.
(This post was last modified: 22-02-2019 12:45 by nottooold.)