I've avoided posting here for a while. It's become a fraught arena (prior to SB and Bair's posts yesterday anyhow). Much good posting, pos and neg, had increasingly turned to a nihilistic vein that adds in dubious accreditations to this babe's motivations. Eve's been painted in a very poor light by this - somewhat undeservedly so IMO.
So... this is my attempt, head above the parapet, at a straight forward alternative view point to what others have depicted to date. Hopefully, it'll offer a more palatable and reflective overview to some that are still bothering to read here...
What the hell's been going on with Eve's shows?
Eve apparently had a hand in setting these Web Onlys up at 66. I'm informed, she envisaged them merely as a way to circumvent Ofcom's rules and simply do slightly sexier daytime fare away from their unwelcome spotlight. As she did so, I hope she didn't underestimate the massive pent up frustrations guys had accured catching years of over-regulated daytime stints... Regardless, the claimed "sexier" didn't seem to extend much further than bits of her outfit on her first couple of shows, not being apparent enough to main cam in terms of action. Quite the opposite in fact, and punters, most naturally, felt disgruntled at an apparent reset in some of her content as she witheld more for the now foregrounded paywall. Dropping tease in favour of main cam denial tactics can feel crushingly cynical to the longterm punter. This babe was thought to be more in tune to punters' feelings than that and above such tactics. And punters vented dissatisfaction at that.
I imagine Eve was taken aback by the vitirolic nature of some of the criticism she recieved (on a previously generally supportive thread) for those sessions up to April 1st. She has certainly ceased being immediately responsive (in her shows) to comments here since that time. And I'm told she hasn't visited her thread in a while now... A head in the sand reaction was understandable perhaps but unfortunate in the circumstances as some of that early criticism was justified IMO, and required a response onscreen. We got one... eventually, just over a week ago.
In the meantime there were only glimpses of good things in those first March efforts. Eve seemed to be struggling to adapt to the demands of the new platform and only slowly adding new positions to her approved pose range in order to in any way counter what had been lost.
Wedged between this and the something of a turnaround last week was a distinct period of another reversal. Here her shows slipped further from what we had before. This was 3 weeks of what all but the most ardent cammer would regard as poorer efforts from a babe who had set herself such a high standard of tease on her TV shows prior to the switch. Why the marked downturn and almost exclusive perv focus of that period? To me that ties distinctly to another question...
Why no web thread?
Obviously Eve's perv was a novelty to some during this time; guys suddenly awakened to Eve's sexual potential look to have been found from under some unknowing rock somewhere!

But while Eve was focusing on hoovering credits from these honeymooners, another eventuality got in the way of her main cam tease. This was, I believe, the major revelation to her that there was a web thread on this forum featuring recordings of her new shows. She had not wanted that I'm told. She had been informed that all fta web footage would be treated like paywalled cam material - off limits to uploads. And her reaction seems to have been to hunker down on fta.
The family issue, mentioned upthread, is credible I'm afraid. It has been ever since a certain reaction to her Pad material back in the day. I feel it was the, more openly sexual, fta presentation of what she was doing for perv (something that the web onlys have enabled day babes to turn to massively for the first time) that Eve didn't wish to have collated in an ever growing thread. When examining this issue we need to remember also that it's an eminently clear fact that public
perceptiton of what a babe does (particularly a day babe) is
not the same as how we
know it to be. Look at how many babes fudge their content levels when speaking of them in public interviews. You can see that babes often want to maintain some ignorance factor in the public awareness of what exactly they get up to onscreen! I think it's safe to say that Eve would like what she does web only to remain less widely known.
Someone at 66 thought a fan zone thread would be adequate privacy. Eve disagreed. It was only in the early hours of last Wednesday that the thread was removed. Action would have been underway Tuesday (it looks highly likely Eve's regular prod has an account here; and it was seen on her vid threads that day). Eve would surely have been aware of the forthcoming removal. Can it be a coincidence then that there's been a marked improvement in sexualised action, fta content and tease to main cam since that Tuesday (the 23rd)? I think not.
No, the presence of Eve's web thread was to the detriment of her shows for a large part of April. But we are past that now thankfully. (And I for one gladly give up the resource for viewing old shows if it means better live ones.)