(07-10-2009 16:27 )StanTheMan Wrote:
Well, maybe 'scum' was the wrong word. Maybe 'considered worthless' would have been more apt, but I accept now that this isn't the case with all channel producers.
Anyway, how could you get me to spend £1 on a babeworld product? Well, that would be difficult in that the very least I could spend would be £1.50 (on a text) but in all honesty what I'd want if I was a paying customer would get you closed down, so I don't know how you can help me 
Uum, love you too, man! 
Stan, you are neither Scum or Worthless - Every post you guys make on here contributes to what we try to do, it provides the evedence we need to pressure govenment into alowing us more freedoms. Belive me we know what you guys want but the powers that be dont think your responsable enough to decide what you do and dont watch.
The main issue they have is protecting the under 18's, which as a principle I totaly agree with. However those that control the platform will not let us use their PIN protection system. And those that you elect into power dont seem to have any control over those that control the platform. Which leads to the BIG question - who realy controls what you watch?
I do think its quiet Ironic that the same person who stops you watching what you want on TV is the same person that prints a picture of a Naked woman on Page 3 of one of his papers everyday.
I have to suffer life being considerd a Pornographer, which apparently makes me a 'Drug Trafficer, "A Gun Runner", a "Pimp" and a "General low life". In actual fact I am none of the above. I have learnt over the years that this always puts me on the loosing side of any argument.
You see untill the moraly corrupt do gooders of society are finaly exposed as fakes and frauds (with their imported dutch harcore DVD's secretly stashed behind their sofas) the people of this country will always be sexualy oppressed.
Consider this.. In countrys where pornography has been librilised the incedents of Sex crimes has fallen to almost insignificant lows. Reaserch (Commissioned By Ofcom) has demonstrated that exposure to pornography by persons under the age of 14 has no detremental effect. Over the Age of 14 young people general understand the context of Pornography. I have been working in the adult entertainment business for over 10 years now, and still enjoy a good healthy sex life with my wife - its not weird or satanic. The point here is all their propoganda is bollocks, and they know it.
The problem is nobody will ever stand up for us. When the last consultation was held how many viewers wrote to Ofcom - NONE! They use this as 'Evedence' that there is no requirement for the service.
I hope oneday things will change, but we need the viewers support - you are the only ones who can change things.
All The Best