Posts: 5,071
Joined: Nov 2008
RE: i have no posts
hey i was not doing this to boost postage i wanted a valid point from him ok how dare you!
13-12-2008 00:38 |
Senior Poster
Posts: 191
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RE: i have no posts
redhalo Wrote:I have just made a reply post to someone but edited it as I thought it wasn't worded right, maybe sometimes not begging for pics or Vids in a way but Requesting pics or vids is a better way of putting it, Sometimes theres people who beg and Just want and to take, othertimes people may request.
Theres nothing wrong with having a little patience with people Requesting for material of their Dream babe. But Requesting in a Polite and Friendly way not in a begging/Demanding taking people on this forum for granted type of way ie Lurkers.
Also I do believe in just Giving just a little also first if your post count is at 0 for example and your first post is worded and begins something like "Can Someone Post" or "Has Anyone Have/Got".
Also Fair enough, I have to be honest and say my first post did start something like "Has Anyone Have/got" but again it was only for Information, not for any pics or vids and I was certainly not begging. I made a general and polite first post with the intention of posting material such as Pics/posts at a later date, I did not have the intention of begging/being a lurker and taking not Giving and never posting any material myself or even not saying one simple word of Gratitude to hard working posters.
"ass lickers and people who dont dare disagree"
Also biker200, There's nothing wrong by being polite, and a thankyou can mean a lot to people if they have spent there time uploading pics/vids on to this forum.
How many times have we heard posters saying "This Thread has had #### many views and had ## reply's"
I myself would rather just say the word Thanks to a poster for there hard work, rather than just to be yet another lurker and Take without saying anything at all.
I completely agree redhalo, there's nothing wrong with being polite. People like BristolRovers and Ass2Cam are being nice and share their pics because i' m not a member of the sites so i can't get any. All i'm doing is just asking, if no-one wants to share then fair enough, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I have contributed some pics too when i can. And i have some positive feedback, quote: "nice guy, very polite" and "Cool dude & says what he thinks", doesn't that prove that people do appreciate being polite and as for my views i think Ass2Cam wrote "says what he thinks", need i explain more. And as the for the opinion thing, i don't have to give an opinion if i don't want to, it's a free country isn't it!! At the end of the day Biker200, it's not you're forum so stop acting like it is...
13-12-2008 01:24 |