Apologies for the late intervention. I have had a long day at work.
Expectation can be a blessing or a curse.
Last night it was the latter.
The expectation was created by what had occurred just a few nights before where Lola put on a raunchy, sensual masterclass of huge erotic power with no restrictions.
Last night went for a change of tone and mood.
This in itself is not a wholly unworthy move in principle.
It ultimately turned into a miscalculation. And why?
Because it belied Lola's best qualities to the point of dispensing with them.
Lola is at her best when she is at her most sensual, most sexual and most intense.
To combine that with some fun and frolics would have been a complicated feat but a noble one. Alas there was no combination in play. It was all supposed fun and frolic but no sexual enticement. But it turned sour and backfired horribly.
Things were not helped of course by the somewhat Frank Spenceresque execution of the water balloon throwing.

There was a bit of target missing going on

I was disappointed by last night and had sympathy with the tippers to a point.
It was a bad idea executed woefully.
However........any suggestion that Lola deliberately set out to scam or deceive or rip people off is wrong. The feeling I got from the chat last night indicated such feelings.
That is something I cannot and will not condone.
To bring into question the integrity of a two time Ultimate Babe whose nature it has always been to epitomize honesty of endeavour leaves me bewildered.
Lola has consistently set out with the noblest of intention.
That much has always been clear to me in all the telephonic, social media and onlyfans exchanges I have had with her.
The integrity of the channels and their conduct has rightly been brought into question as has the behaviour of some babes.
But Lola is far from an egotistical rip off merchant.
In so many ways she embodies every human quality and natural nightshow quality every babe should aspire to have. For anyone to attempt to tarnish that with misguided allegations of scam and betrayal of tippers is several miles too far down a very wrong road. There is a huge difference between an honest error against the backdrop of previous excellence and a notion of deliberate skullduggery.
The chat of course can turn febrile as it did last night in quite wreckless fashion.
Consequences of ill conceived thoughts in the heat of the moment can be potentially disastrous. Some folk would do well to remember that.
I get a sense of people playing the woman and not the ball.
If last night were to go to VAR it would perhaps be more of a review for offside as comical as a lot of those are rather than a review for serious foul play and a potential red card. Last night was a blunder but not a betrayal.
Lola's fundamental qualities remain intact.
Her integrity does likewise in spite of any allegation to the contrary.
A number of minutes of buffoonery and clownery does not and should not suggest otherwise.