With a chat feed specific to Evelyn that is free to post in, and an apparent lack of backstage/paywall-only segments, main feed viewers have arguably never had a better opportunity to have a positive i̶n̶f̶l̶u̶e̶n̶c̶e̶ impact on the shows.
Let the caller(s) have their calls before the big break.
Let the perv-cammers and buzz-tippers perv 'n' buzz after.
But why don't we bring back the main feed extravaganza for the last hour?
From about 8:30pm, strike up a convo in the free chat about something fun (but realistic) you'd like to see and would be willing to tip for, and see how many others watching would be willing to tip at least a fiver each. When it looks like the group has a good offer to make, pitch it to Evelyn.
Don't post in the perv chat; that may be where her attention is, but it wastes credits you could instead put towards a tip later. If she fails to notice the opportunity herself, there's a good chance her wingman gonnacum will alert her to it anyway.
If Evelyn says it's a deal, tip away.
DON'T tip before asking or before it's all agreed to, as this will either; make her feel put on the spot and uncomfortable; get a simple "thx bb" or be ignored altogether if they get lost in a sea of tips from the perv-buzzers already doing their thing.
Once the show is on the road, (if you have enough credits to do so) keep tipping now and then if you like what you see and would like to encourage its continuance until the show's end.
Take my 'boob insurance' for example: if I tip £5 in response to a nip-slip, Eve will thank me and likely be more cautious for the next few minutes. But if that same slip is responded to with tips from 2, 3 or more guys she'll know she's on to something and be more inclined to throw caution to the wind instead.
If the vibratoy is in use, consider using that form of tip as that certainly seems to be Eve's preference. It appears as though the toy can now even be activated when the perv-cam is off.
If you object to buzzing without being able to hear the reaction, then use the plain ol' vanilla tips by all means.
Something Evelyn might want to consider for a main feed-focused final hour like this is setting the phone aside and enabling sound. The chat can be interacted with vocally so her hands are freed up from typing for...other things. She may not get a word in though as she's likely to get buzzed quite a bit!

Not only from regular buzzers who will likely enjoy buzzing even more when it's in tandem with exciting main feed visuals (and if it catches on they may get in the habit of saving credits for these last hours, making what used to be the main part of the show for them merely a warm-up) but folks who were on the fence about activating the toy before will get in on the act too, as rather than feeling like they're paying over the odds just for Eve and her caller to have all the fun, they'll get some sexy sound and vision out of it too.
This all depends on Evelyn's comfort levels of course, but guys can already listen in to the phone calls while she's being buzzed (I doubt a great deal do that though) so main feed with sound for just an hour may not be out of the question. And if it is a hit I'm sure the extra guys buzzing for £5 (or more!) a pop will be just as good (if not way
way better) for her as the £1.50 per minute from
some of the same small group of usual suspects.
The main feed audience aren't
all filthy freeloaders.

Show them the door is open and see how many stop window shopping and actually step inside, tips at the ready.