Very much enjoyed the finale and the series overall, I think it did have some problems with the pacing & of course there were bumps & cracks but overall I enjoyed it.
I am getting a little tired of the main criticism of Picard as it is the main criticism of Discovery, that they are not faithful to Roddenberry's original vision of a Utopia and that they are dark, violent, scary & gritty. I think TV shows need to adapt with the times, we are going through a time of great uncertainty right now: a rising tide of populism, a global refugee crisis, an impending climate catastrophe & now a fucking pandemic lets not pretend that we are in a Garden of Eden. Sci-Fi is about examining the human condition, in order to achieve that it needs to reflect the zeitgeist.
Yes when Star Trek first aired it was also a time of great uncertainty, The Vietnam War was heating up with WW2 & Korea fresh in the memories of many, there was a great deal of civil unrest in the US around the rights of African Americans & a cold war with the USSR that brought the threat of a Nuclear War, what with the Cuban Missile crisis being a few years earlier. Audiences welcomed the escapism where Americans white & black worked with a Russian & Japanese crew.
I just don't think audiences are there anymore, American primetime TV post WW2 - 21st Century was largely saccharine, the heroes were all clean cut, righteous & flawless individuals with Stepford Wives. Here is the opening to a medical drama that first aired in 69 (nice), the opening alone proves my point:
There were of course notable exceptions to this Hawkeye in M*A*S*H & Sipowicz in NYPD Blue were both anti-heroes but largely protagonists adhered to the aforementioned formula & I think though he is one of my favourite characters in all of TV Picard & indeed most if not all main Star Trek characters could fit into that role.
At the turn of the century however TV changed, movie writers started working for TV shoes & we entered the age of the anti-hero: Omar from the Wire, Dr House, Dexter, Glenn Close in Damages, Jack Bauer, Tony Soprano, Nurse Jackie, Don Draper, Walter White etc have completely changed the nature of the shows we watch they are all more dark, violent, scary & gritty.
I don't think the old formula for Star Trek would work in this 21st century landscape of dramatic television, protagonists like Michael Burnham & supporting characters like Seven, Raffy & Rios are where it is at right now & they are richer for it.
But all has not been forgotten in amongst this dark new world that we are being exposed to Picard, Burnham & the crew of Discovery are the light that shines to guide us, to uphold the values of Roddenberry against the tide that seeks to destroy it and come out the other side to win the day.
My favourite line in the finale & perhaps the season came from the great man himself: "Life is a responsibility not just a right"
p.s I hope that all makes sense, I went off on a tangent in a bid to try & convey what I was saying but I hope you guys can get it
If i could find a girl that had the looks of Gal Gadot, breasts of Sophie Mudd with Demi Rose's ass, the personality of Jessica Ennis, the grace of Kendall Jenner on the red carpet and then behind closed doors the raw sexual energy of Nicole Snow i'd know i was dead and gone to heaven, so i'll just take Demi Rose's ass and Nicole's sexual energy
(This post was last modified: 28-03-2020 00:54 by southsidestu.)