Posting Machine
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RE: US Election & Presidency
Okay, so I read the whole of that NYT article and it feels like a bit of a damp squib tbh.
For the record, I can't stand the orange buffoon and I think he's a vile human being. I would absolutely LOVE IT if the tax returns showed something really damning.
But that doesn't seem to be the case.
1. He used business losses to offset tax. So what? What big business doesn't?
2. He has massive debts. So what? Debt isn't a problem per se, as long as you can afford to service it.
3. As much as the NYT tries to paint him as a busted flush, or a business underwater, the fact is that he earns about £400m a year from licensing his name to other people's properties and another £120m from the Manhattan Trump Tower alone. Add in the Apprentice residuals and profits on the 2 or 3 Trump properties that ARE profitable (e.g. Mar-a-Lago, Doral) and he's probably getting close to a £billion in revenue per annum. I'm sure he can afford to carry a mountain of debt.
As far as I can tell, it is all tax avoidance, not tax evasion. It may be distasteful, vulgar and obnoxious, but it's not certainly not illegal.
Plenty of reason to not vote for him. Plenty of reason to vote for someone who will tighten up the tax code to prevent the worst of this shit. But there's little reason -- at least in what's been show so far -- to suggest there is anything illegal going on.
It just sounds like he has a bunch of good lawyers and accountants and he doesn't much give a shit about appearances, empathy or integrity. But we already knew that.
28-09-2020 20:27 |
Posting Machine
Posts: 1,699
Joined: Feb 2011
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RE: US Election & Presidency
^^^ That certainly seems to be the picture that the NYT and CNN are trying to paint, but the article hedges throughout. It's all just allusion and speculation.
I thought this lady was interesting on CBS News:
Tax attorney breaks down New York Times report on Trump's tax returns
You can see the anchors trying to nudge her toward the scandal, but she keeps insisting that you can't draw such conclusions from tax documents.
My own guess -- and it's just a guess -- is that Trump's businesses were used by overseas oligarchs to launder money obtained through their own corruption. That's why you don't see too many Trump towers in England, France and Germany, but you do see them in Indonesia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
Real estate is notorious for attracting dark money and the Trump brand gave these projects the veneer of international legitimacy. Trump was essentially taking money from bad actors without asking too many questions.
If that's the case, then there is a crime, but it's not the crimes that CNN and NYT are talking about.
29-09-2020 07:36 |