(12-10-2020 21:42 )TickleTheOrc Wrote: ... mean things? Or you mean actually screwing around which the US's allies? Lets just name some allies to check.
Canada: Recently, Aluminum Tariffs and before that, renegotiating NAFTA. Forcing Canada into the US's fight with China with the arrest of Meng Wanzhou.
Mexico: How's getting Mexico to pay for that wall worked out? Not well?
South Korea: How's canceling military exercises and asking them to pay more for the US forces there?
You can pretty much pick any US ally and find Trump has fucked the relationship with in some way in the last 4 years.
If only it was just the Paris Agreement, then most of us wouldn't bat an eye.
68 completed rollbacks and 32 pending which they're ham fisting through as fast as possible now.
How? There is a freaking website tracking his golfing days because he's golfed so much. This is rich coming from Trump since he criticized Obama for golfing, yet Trump's expenditures for Golf. Jesus.
... You don't seem to remember in Syria that the US military had to bomb their own base because Trump wanted them out faster? I bet the Russians were happy with the FOB that the US had to leave behind intact.
... Hiring incompetent corrupt cabinet members and then firing them for corruption at a later point doesn't make Trump a person that is weeding out corruption. It makes him seem even more incompetent as the person that hired them in the first place.
Put it this way, just about every person that seems to have left the Whitehouse in the last 4 years seems to have written a freaking book in the short duration of time that they spent there.
Writing books about your last job isn't a normal thing to do for most people. Much less the number that has come out over the last 4 years.
1) America's allies have been been undercutting her for years and her voters have felt that, hence why they voted for Trump to end mass immigration from Mexico and the NAFTA trade deal. I think he's already increased tarrifs on Mexican goods and I think more will be on the way if he wins re-election.
Trump and America have every right to criticise 'allies' who bleed American taxpayers for security. Have some self respect and protect yourself instead of daddy America protecting you all the time. Even we have US bases here. And a pathetic country like Germany that puts next to nothing into NATO deserves the highest embarassment.
2) Good, he's helping the economy.
3) So he likes golf, big deal.
4) What's that got to do with Twitter?
5) Again, so fucking what? We all knew he was going to shake up DC and make establishment DC parasite types wet themselves the moment he was elected. It's not a surprise these crybabies are writing books about a Presidency they never saw coming.