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US Election & Presidency

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Slabhead Offline

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Post: #5661
RE: US Election & Presidency
(18-10-2020 06:48 )lovebabes56 Wrote:  North Korea probably would take him in - at least he'll have another cunt to talk to but it'd prefer locked in a space capsule shot into space where he wouldn't bother anybody Tongue and don't give him a monkey as a companion even the monkey would get bored of him.

I can already imagine the seething tears rolling down your face when you typed out this incoherent nonsense. Cry more Big Grin
18-10-2020 15:31
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Slabhead Offline

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Post: #5662
RE: US Election & Presidency
(18-10-2020 06:53 )lovebabes56 Wrote:  What bloody miracles has Trump performed that are way greater than Jesus? He can't raise anyone from the dead feed 5,00 people with fish and bread, turn water into wine can he? If he could do all that then, yes, you can make the comparison but you can't.

Seems like you take the biblical narrative of Jesus way more literally than I do lol. I don't believe in 'miracles' but what Trump has done with the economy and in particular for working class Americans and African American minorities has been nothing short of impressive. Jesus was a trailblazer and so is Trump. Jesus was a radical and so is Trump for coming to DC and ripping establishment politicians a new one Cool
18-10-2020 15:37
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Slabhead Offline

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Post: #5663
RE: US Election & Presidency
(18-10-2020 07:07 )Goodfella3041 Wrote:  I never suggested that his tweets were an abuse of power. I actually disagree with the attempted 'criminalisation' of his every action -- something that the Democrats have done far too much of over the last four years. They over-reached on Russia and the whole tax evasion palaver is just a big red herring. I think it's the whole 'my party, my tribe -- right or wrong' mentality that is wrecking their country and ours. So don't take my argument to a ridiculous extreme and then criticise the result.

I am simply saying that when you occupy that office you owe the country at least a modicum of moral and intellectual leadership. Yes, you have a right to free speech, but you also have a responsibility to wield it with a little good sense. Lack of any outright criminality is too low a bar for high public office.

Reflexively retweeting things of which he does not have full knowledge certainly does not make him a criminal or a nefarious conspirator, and I never suggested it did.

I'm am saying that he is mean and stupid -- and that he shouldn't be the president.

So, yeah, I'm crying a river. I've been crying since November 8, 2016. It's okay though, because on November 4, 2020, I'll be laughing my butthurt arse off.

TDS syndrome alert lol. He doesn't 'owe' the country. He owes his voters who elected him. He doesn't have to do anything beyond that. All this 'politics of unity' nonsense that has infected the UK and the US over the past 20 years is exactly that, nonsense. I'm reminded of Christopher Hitchens saying that politics is division by definition. There's far more respect to be had for fucking communist Corbyn, Trump, Bernie (pre-squad) and Farage than the fucking Clinton's, Blair and Cameron. That centrist crap is dead. Trump doesn't need to appeal to deranged SJW voters, especially when their politics underpin everything this summer's rioters stand for, which effectively turn off any decent law abiding American who don't subscribe to retarded policies like abolishing the police.
18-10-2020 16:01
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hugh_g_rection Offline
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Post: #5664
RE: US Election & Presidency
(18-10-2020 16:01 )Slabhead Wrote:  He doesn't have to do anything beyond that

How about, his job?
18-10-2020 16:39
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Slabhead Offline

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Post: #5665
RE: US Election & Presidency
He's doing his job bladewave
18-10-2020 18:04
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hugh_g_rection Offline
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Post: #5666
RE: US Election & Presidency
I didn't say he wasn't?
18-10-2020 18:10
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Slabhead Offline

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Post: #5667
RE: US Election & Presidency
(18-10-2020 18:10 )hugh_g_rection Wrote:  I didn't say he wasn't?

18-10-2020 18:14
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hugh_g_rection Offline
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Post: #5668
RE: US Election & Presidency
(18-10-2020 18:14 )Slabhead Wrote:  
(18-10-2020 18:10 )hugh_g_rection Wrote:  I didn't say he wasn't?


I was questioning your assertion that he doesn't have to do it...
18-10-2020 18:23
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Goodfella3041 Offline
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Post: #5669
RE: US Election & Presidency
(18-10-2020 16:01 )Slabhead Wrote:  TDS syndrome alert lol. He doesn't 'owe' the country. He owes his voters who elected him. He doesn't have to do anything beyond that.

He's the President of the United States. Not the President of People Who Voted for Him.

It is a product of the Constitution -- and the precedent set by 44 other holders of the office -- that the President has at least four roles. He is the head of his party; he holds executive powers; he is the commander in chief; and he is the Head of State. As such he combines some of the functions of, say, our Prime Minister, and others that are closer to the Queen's.

In the first two roles, I don't begrudge him fighting his corner and advancing the agenda he campaigned on -- however much I disagree with it. Elections have consequences and all that. But I do think that the latter two roles require him to take some of the heat out of the rhetoric and make at least some attempt to unify the country that he leads.

I get the whole argument that politics is division and I've no problem with vigorous debate and disagreement. There will be winners and losers. But it doesn't have to be bloodsport all the time. Most Americans broadly agree on most things. All the unnecessary rancor is exhausting. I don't have TDS -- I have Trump fatigue.

I think that's why COVID will be the thing that ultimately ended this presidency.

He was not the man for the moment. It's revealed him to be the small, angry, mean-spirited, narcissistic man that he really is. He's all 'me, me, me' at a time when the country needed someone to say, 'we, we, we.'

I think you said a while back: if Obama was so great, how did it lead to Trump? (Or something to that effect). And there is something in that. Obama must have failed in some respect if he created a situation that allowed the Republican party to be hijacked by its own Tea Party wing.

But the same will have to be asked if Biden wins. Because, candidly, I don't think Biden is a strong candidate. I don't even think he'll serve two terms. He's just an off-ramp from the path to nowhere that Trump is taking the country.
18-10-2020 18:48
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lovebabes56 Offline
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Post: #5670
RE: US Election & Presidency
(18-10-2020 13:52 )Dave_A Wrote:  
(18-10-2020 02:25 )Slabhead Wrote:  I'm not a religious person by any means but I see Trump as the real life equivalent of Jesus Christ.

Trump is not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy laugh

And he has been on HELL of a naughty boy!! I would no be surprised if we witness the decline of the United States as a world power if Trump wins. If Trump thinks he has friends around the world now, i think they will drift away in November and he'll have one hell of a battle to keep the US together as one nation and if he can't, that won't be good not only for the Western world but for the world as whole.

18-10-2020 19:05
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