As usual Snooks has his finger on the pulse. He so effortlessly represents the humanist punter when in this mood; distilling the zeitgeist of the scene we love to hate (often 'can't escape' is the most apposite descriptor) to a chunky but appropriately eloquant word count. In doing this, Snook's posts so often point the corrective path for much that is errant in the channels. (That no insider that matters appears to be listening is their loss because he speaks for a good many spenders in doing so I'd say. It is why he wins so many bloody awards himself... the bastard!

As the man says, it's clear that the new wave of babe-ing has, at long last, come of age with these results. These babes are the latest, best and brightest hope for the channels in a long, long, time. And its so good to have that hope for better back again.
Personally, I must admit to having gotten a little jaded with competitions like this one over the last couple of years. Too many of the same old names - winning each round, each battle, each tournament, mostly because of large twitter followings cultivated in better times - had dominated for too long to my mind. In analogy, for the music fan of a certain age, this latest one feels like the earthy connective punk era clearing out the passe and overblow pedestals of glam rock!
Encouragingly then, as others have stated, the Top Tens here are different from those old efforts at every turn. A breath of fresh air. Better yet, both rundowns offer surgical precision in their discernment of specific babe attributes. They select only presenters that consistently display postive attitudes in their shows and on their social media postings. True newbies or top performers of the past that have refocused and repurposed their shows for modern times they are all of a type. Over and over again this thread's picks eskew the toxic mentalities we've had to endure from the high profile, entitled, babeshow figures of the recent past. These are the ones note that refuse to move on from the old faded money grubbing tricks too. Tbf, these old guard divas should read 'em and weep.
This year was transistional and accleratory for what defines the babeshow. Change may have been inevitable but it was frankly overdue. Regardless, it has now arrived and with some little emphasis.
I'm actually proud of the voters who concoted this mix. I suspect there's been an influx of cam only orientated punters to fandom this year and they helped define what should be held high on the shows - what is to be praised and supported there and what shunned. This thread speaks to that. And the babes highlighted speak to them with no judgement!
Honestly, look to each physically very different but in other ways very similar presenter named... Number one, each has an attitude a world away from those that topped lists of yore... They are universally a more grounded, familiar, appreciative, humble and empathetic bunch. In addition, they are all babes who are prepared to work for their living; who are prepared to talk to guys on chat in the right manner, prepared to engage and stoke the fire that sparks interaction, prepared to extend value to all aspects of the service not restrict everything to one or two avenues of use or cling to the restrictive ways of working of the past. Above all they don't look down with contempt.
Welcome to the new breed then. As punters, we always get what we deserve but this time we deserved more evidently.
One final hope remains: The hope that these names are also the ones who've been making the most money for themselves and their operators in this the most weird of years. We should certainly set out as a fandom to ensure as much for them, and for those that follow their proscribed pattern of behaviours, in 2021. Every single fan of the shows would benefit from that, that's for damn sure. Consolidate the change guys.